INACTIVE Varieties

CC 304 is a flue-cured tobacco hybrid from a cross of CC P 304 and CC MS 304. Parentage includes K 149 and Speight 168. Similar to K 149. Resistance to black shank and bacterial wilt. Variety Producers
CC 65 is a flue-cured tobacco hybrid from a cross of RJR P5 and RJR MS 6. It has the N. glauca source of male sterility. It has K326 background. Variety Producers
CG WINDBREAK/TN 902 was released by the University of TN to the control of Tennessee Advanced Genetics to maintain and licensee to various seed companies in 2011. It is a soft red winter wheat with a medium height, medium heading date, and apically awnletted variety with good test weights. Juvenile plant growth is erect at the boot stage and green in color. Flag leaves are erect and twisted. Anther color is yellow and the head shape is strap, dense, and recurved. TN 902 is moderately resistant/susceptible to leaf rust, stem rust, and to soil-borne mosaic virus. TN 902 is susceptible to powdery mildew, head scab, and stripe rust. TN 902 has excellent emergence, standability, and winter hardiness. Variety Producers
CHERAW (exp. SC06-676) is a group VIII, determinate soybean developed by the SC Agricultural Experiment Station. It is glyphosate and nematode-resistant. Plants have white flowers, tawny pubescence, good lodging resistance, and tan pod walls. Seeds are yellow with variable gray hila and average 14.5 g/100 seed compared with 15.3 g/100 seed for ‘N8001’. Seed quality is good and seed protein and oil average 40.0% and 21.0% (D.M. basis), respectively. Cheraw is resistant to Southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne icognita) and soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) Race 3. Cheraw is also resistant to stem canker disease (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora). Variety Producers
CP 8022 (GL 6222) is a medium-short height, medium maturing, awned soft red winter wheat. It has good winter hardiness, and standability. It has excellent test weights. This variety has good resistance to soil-borne mosaic virus, stripe rust, powdery mildew, and scab. Juvenile growth habit is semi-erect. Plant color at boot stage is green. Anther color is yellow. Auricle anthocyanin is absent. Flag leaf at boot stage is recurved, twisted and wax is present. Head shape is tapering and awned. Glumes are medium in length. Glume shoulder shape is oblique with an acuminate beak. Chaff color is tan at maturity. Variety Producers
CP 9606/112371W is a medium height, medium maturity, awned soft red winter wheat with good standibility and winter hardiness. It has excellent resistance to stripe rust and shows good resistance to leaf rust, soil-borne mosaic, powdery mildew, wheat spindle streak mosaic, barley yellow dwarf virus, septoria nodorum and septoria tritici. It also has resistance to Biotypes B, D, L, and O Hessian fly. It has a green color at booting and erect, twisted, waxy flag leaves. Hollow stems have a waxy bloom and may show anthocyanin. Heads are tapering, lax and recurved with white glumes. Glumes are long and wide with wanting, medium shoulders and medium, acuminate beaks. Seed is ovate with rounded cheeks and a medium, shallow crease and medium brush with no collar. It is well adapted to the northern soft wheat production areas and avoid the extreme south areas where vernalization can be a problem. Variants do not exceed 1% of the variety. US PROTECTED VARIETY Variety Producers
LIBERTY 5658 was released by Virginia Tech. It is a broadly adapted soft red wheat with high yielding, high test weight, mid-season, semi-dwarf (gene Rht1) wheat. Liberty 5658 has the rust resistance gene cluster Lr37-Sr38-Yr17 and gene Bvd3 for resistance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. Liberty 5658 expresses moderate to high levels of resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, stem rust, wheat spindle streak mosaic virus, leaf blotch, glume blotch, and Fusarium head blight. Plant and spike color of Liberty 5658 are blue green, and its awned spikes are tapering in shape. Head emergence is 112 days on average. Liberty 5658 is medium height and has excellent straw strength. Its flour will likely be exceptional for production of cracker and bread products as well being suitable for pastry products. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR. Variety Producers
LOBO Variety Producers
MFS-885 (V121885 brand) was released by Virginia Tech University. Variety Producers
MOMENTUM 106 It is a broadly adapted, white-chaffed, awnless variety with early maturity and moderately short height with good standabililty. Its Fusarium head blight (scab) resistance level is good and the DON (deoxynivalenol) content is low. Momentum 106 has an intermediate reaction to Septoria Triticci blotch and Septoria glume blotch as well as to black chaff or bacterial leaf streak, is susceptible to yellow rust and leaf rust and is moderately tolerant of acid soils. Variety Producers
NC 102 is an F1 tobacco hybrid developed by NCSU with exclusive release to F.W. Rickard Seeds, Inc. with seed available from Gold Leaf Seed Co. in 2005. It has very high levels of race 0 black shank resistance. It is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, potato virus Y, and tobacco etch virus. Variety Producers
TIFBLAIR was released exclusively to The Turfgrass Group, Inc. from USDA ARS and Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station in 1995. It is a variety of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides), the first seed-propagated commercial cultivar with a known pedigree. It has leaf color similar to common centipedegrass. Leaf width (5.9 mm) and length (70.2 mm) is similar to common centipedegrass. Tifblair grows more rapidly, with more vigor, better quality, and more cold tolerance when compared to common centipedegrass in clay loam soils with low pH values (5.0 or lower). It produces more stolons that grow faster and have more leaves in comparison with common centipedegrass. US PROTECTED VARIETY - 1994 PVPA. Variety Producers
TRICAL SURGE (VAR. 641512175) was released by Northern Agri-Brands LLC. It is an awnless facultative triticale that was selected for its awnless character, and respectable late boot stage silage yield. Surge also possesses excellent pre-dough forage quality. Surge is a hexaploid winter-type triticale that is tall in height with a late maturity. It is green at booting, with leaves that are glossy and semi-upright. Flag leaf is erect and twisted. Spikes are dense and fusiform at maturity. Glumes are glabrous, yellow in color, mid-long length, and narrow. Surge has been tested and found to be adaptive to Pacific Northwest region of the US including Washington and Idaho as well as adaptive to Wisconsin. US PROTECTED VARIETY Variety Producers
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