all Varieties

26R10 was released by Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. It is a soft red winter wheat that has shown adaptation to the soft red winter wheat growing regions of the southeastern and mid-southern US, approximately south of the Ohio River. It has shown very good stripe rust resistance. It exhibits good resistance to leaf rust, soil-borne mosaic virus, and wheat spindle streak mosaic virus. It has shown slightly below average resistance to Fusarium head blight (scab). 26R10 has resistance to Biotype L of Hessian fly from the H13 resistance gene. It is a later maturity with an average of 122 days to heading. 26R10 has a semi-erect juvenile growth habit. Leaf color is green with a waxy present recurved twisted flag leaf at boot. It is an awned plant with an ovate seed shape. US PROTECTED VARIETY Variety Producers
26R33 (6035BR11-01) It is a soft red winter wheat. It has a medium-late maturity and a medium plant height. 26R33 has an awned head. It has good resistance to scab and leaf blight, and a moderate resistance to stripe rust and powdery mildew. It is also resistant to Hessian fly. Variety Producers
26R36 was released by DuPont Pioneer. It is a soft red winter wheat whose best adaptation has been shown to be in the Southern soft wheat regions. Has shown strong resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, Fusarium head blight (scab) and soil-borne mosaic virus. Juvenile growth habit is semi-erect, leaf color at boot is green; flag leaf at boot is erect, twisted, with wax present. Anthocyanin is present. Plant height is 35-36 inches with awned heads and medium glume length that is white/amber. Variety Producers
26R41 was released by Pioneer Hi-Bred International. It is an awned soft red winter wheat with excellent resistance to stripe rust and very good resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust. 26R41 is also resistant to straw lodging with good straw strength. It has high yield potential and high test weight. Well adapted to southern soft wheat growing regions. Average plant height is 33 inches. US PROTECTED VARIETY Variety Producers
26R45 was released by Pioneer Hi-Bred International. It is an apically awnletted soft red, winter wheat. 26R45 is a medium tall plant with an erect juvenile growth habit. The flag leaf is erect and twisted with a wax present, and the leaf color is green at boot growth stage. Head density is mid-dense, head shape is tapering, and head color is tan at maturity. 26R45 has excellent resistance to stripe rust and very good resistance to powdery mildew and leaf rust. It has excellent yield potential and test weight, and very good straw lodging resistance. 26R45 has shown adaptation to the southern soft wheat growing regions. US PROTECTED VARIETY. Variety Producers
26R59 was released by DuPont Pioneer. It is a soft red winter wheat. 26R59 has shown very good resistance to stripe rust and powdery mildew as well as better than average resistance to leaf rust and fungal leaf blights. It has shown best adaptation to the southern US soft wheat regions. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect. At the boot stage it has green leaf color, wax is present and flag leaf is erect and twisted. Spike is mid-dense and tapering with an apically awnletted glume. US PROTECTED VARIETY. Variety Producers
331 (FloRun™ 331) is a large seeded, medium maturity runner-type peanut with high oleic oil chemistry. It has excellent seedling vigor and strong yield potential under non-irrigated conditions. It is moderately resistant to white mold, leaf spot and TSWV. Growth habit is semi-erect with a prominent main stem at digging. Foliage is light green, and the fruiting habit is alternate. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
GP 543 17NSVZ310543 was released by Grow Pro Genetics. It is a medium tall, medium early soft winter wheat variety. GP 543 has a semi-erect juvenile growth habit, a blue-green leaf color at boot. Flag leaf at boot is erect, twisted and waxed, with a yellow anther color. It is apically awnletted, short beak length, medium shoulder width and red seed color. It has moderate levels of native resistance to Fusarium Head Blight and Barley Yellow Dwarf, good levels of resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, and powdery mildew. Moderately susceptible to Septoria leaf blotch. US PATENT PROTECTED VARIETY. Variety Producers
AGS 3026 (GA10127-18E26) It is a soft red winter wheat. It has a plant height of 36 inches. The head is mid-dense; tapering, and awned. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect; at boot, flag leaf is erect and plant color is blue. US PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION is expected to be applied for. Until official notice is received, the variety has no protection. It is the grower’s responsibility to determine current status of variety. Variety Producers
AGS 4043 (GA12505B14-18LE23F) It is a soft red winter wheat. It has a plant height of 38 inches. The head is mid-dense; tapering, and awned. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect; at boot, flag leaf is semi-erect and plant color is blue. US PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION is expected to be applied for. Until official notice is received, the variety has no protection. It is the grower’s responsibility to determine current status of variety. Variety Producers
AP 1987 (var. 16162712) was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a medium maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an awned, medium height plant with excellent winter hardiness, standability, tillering and seeds per lb. It has good resistance to scab, powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, glume blotch, soil-borne mosaic virus, barley yellow dwarf virus, and septoria leaf blotch. It has excellent test weight, winter hardiness and standability. This variety is widely adapted in the wheat growing region. US Plant Patent
Variety Producers
AP 1995 (var.16162742) is a medium height and maturity, soft red winter wheat. Juvenile plant growth is semi erect; plant color at boot is green; flag leaf at boot is erect. It has an awned head with a lax head density, and has a strap head with an erect head curvature. Glume length is medium with white glumes. It has high adaptability for the Mid-Atlantic region. AP 1995 has great resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, Septoria leaf blotch Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, and powdery mildew. It has a low lodging risk and excellent test weight. Variety Producers
AP 2000 / DE2201263 is a soft red winter wheat. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect and plant color at boot stage is green to blue-green. Flag leaf is recurved and not twisted with wax present. Plant height is 89 cm. The head is awned, mid-dense, strap, and erect to inclined. Glumes are white with oblique shoulders, narrow width, and have a short beak. Variety Producers
APPALACHIAN WHITE was released by USDA. It is a hard white winter wheat, awned, semi-dwarf, and with white chaff. It heads on the average 115 days after January 1. It has good stalk strength, good winter hardiness. It averages 35 inches in height. It has moderate resistance to yellow dwarf virus, powdery mildew, Fusarium head blight, stagonospora nodorum head blight, and leaf rust. It has good Hessian fly resistance but is resistant to stripe rust. It has moderate susceptibility to stem rust. Variety Producers
ARCIA was released by North Carolina Agricultural Research Service in 1996. It is a winter triticale. Arcia is a high-yielding, early to midseason maturing cultivar with excellent test weight and kernel size for a triticale. The juvenile growth habit is prostrate. The leaves are glabrous and semi-waxy with a light tan color at maturity. The spike is awned, dense, and fusiform with good fertility. The glumes are light tan to yellow with pubescence along the edges only. There is no detectable shattering at maturity. It shows good winter hardiness and standability. This variety is licensed by NCSU - Agricultural Research Services Variety Producers
AVALON is a 2-row malt barley. It is the first malt barley released from Virginia Tech’s Small Grain Breeding Program. Avalon has excellent malt score and favor profile. It is a constant yielding variety, especially under continental climate conditions. It has very good grading and straw stiffness. This variety has good resistance against major leaf diseases, especially against brown rust. Variety Producers
AVERRE (NC05-198) produces orange fleshed storage roots that are generally oblong to elliptic. Storage roots are longer than Covington but straighter than Beauregard. NC05-198 is useful in soil conditions where Covington tends to become bally. Total marketable yields are high and equal to Beauregard and Covington. It is resistant to Fusarium stem wilt, moderately resistant to soil rot (Streptomyces ipomoea), and moderately susceptible to Southern root-knot nematode. NC05-198 is suited for growers who have internal necrosis issues associated with Covington and for growers who need a plant that is suitable to early plantings, but should only be considered a 6-8 month storage cultivar. PLANT PROTECTION APPLIED FOR, sub-license required to produce in NC, acreage fees apply. Variety Producers
BAILEY II was released by North Carolina State University. Bailey II is a high-oleic, high yielding Virginia-type peanut cultivar selected in a conventional breeding program. Bailey II has alternate branching pattern, intermediate runner growth habit, and medium green foliage. Bailey II has approximately 42% jumbo pods, 44% fancy pods, seed with tan seed coat averaging 904 mg seed-1, and extra-large kernel content of 35%. The high-oleic trait produces an array of changes in the fatty acid composition of peanut oil compared with normal-oleic cultivars, most notably the elevation of oleic acid and the reduction of linoleic acid content. Compared to normal-oleic cultivars, it will exhibit extended shelf life. It is most similar to the recurrent parent ‘Bailey’ in yield and disease resistance; although Bailey II will exhibit more jumbo pods, super extra-large kernels, and extra-large kernels. Bailey II is partially resistant to the four most common diseases in the Virginia-Carolina peanut production area: leaf spot, Cylindrocladium black rot (CBR), Sclerotinia blight (SB), and tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV). High oleic testing is required for all classes of certified seed lots. US PROTECTED VARIETY and seed can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
BAYOU BELLE is a new deep orange flesh, red/purple skinned sweet potato. Sugar content is similar to Evangeline; however it has a more firm texture when baked. Production characteristics in plant beds are similar to ‘Beauregard’ but it consistently yields 10 % higher than ‘Beauregard’. Shape is slightly improved over ‘Beauregard’, but root to root variability does exist. The days to harvest are similar to ‘Beauregard’. Disease characteristics are similar to ‘Beauregard’ except for higher levels of resistance to root knot nematode. PLANT PROTECTION APPLIED FOR, sub-license required to produce in NC, acreage fees apply. Variety Producers
BEAUREGARD B94-14 Variety Producers
BEAUREGARD B94-24 Variety Producers
BELLEVUE is an orange flesh, light copper skinned sweet potato released by the LSU Ag Center. The skin is lighter than ‘Beauregard’ and remarkably smooth with few lenticels, grooves or lateral root scars. The flesh is uniformly deep orange and a bright color when baked. The sugar content in baked Bellevue is similar to that found in ‘Beauregard’. It displays a highly consistent, uniform root shape, excellent pack out percentage, and excellent storage life. It is particularly well suited to sandy environments where southern root-knot nematode is a problem and quality shape elusive. Bellevue is resistant to Fusarium wilt, highly resistant to Root knot nematode, resistant to soil rot, intermediate resistant to Rhizopus soft rot, and very susceptible to Bacterial soft rot. PLANT PROTECTION APPLIED FOR, sub-license required to produce in NC, acreage fees apply. Variety Producers
BIMINI™ is an improved hybrid Bermuda that forms a fine textured, dense, dark green turf with upright leaf growth. It’s rapidly spreading growth habit and quick recovery makes Bimini quite durable. Its deep root system aids in drought tolerance, and is frost resistant. Good for lawns as well as athletic fields. Variety Producers
BROOKS was released by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service. It is a medium early variety that has medium height, excellent yield, and fair lodging resistance. It has good winter hardiness. Brooks has tolerance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus and good resistance to soil-borne mosaic. It has poor resistance to crown rust. This variety offers a new level of overall protein production; data indicates at least 25% advantage in pounds of protein per acre over most other varieties. Good smut resistance. Variety Producers
BUY SOD MIXTURE is a blend of tall fescue and bluegrass varieties with heat and drought tolerance. This brand is marketed by Buy Sod. Blend info available from certification upon request to grower. Variety Producers
CAVALIER was released by Texas A & M University in 1996/97. CAVALIER is a variety of Zoysia matrella, has white stigmas, absence of leaf blade hairs, resistant to fall armyworm and a distinct DNA fingerprint. It has rhizome and stolon growth. Leaf blades are rolled in the bud, and are flat and stiff. Leaf blade length ranges from 58.9 to 60.7 mm and from 1.33 to 1.79 mm in width. The ligule is a row of silky hairs, approximately 2.1 mm in length on the longest hairs. It is fine-textured high density turf, with long slender leaves noted specifically for high quality, uniformity of appearance, and distinct summer presentation. It has excellent shade tolerance, moderate to low water use, and good salt tolerance. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
CC 13 is a flue-cured tobacco hybrid with K326 and R681 similarities. It is a cross between RJR P3 and RJR MS 1 with N. sueveolens sterility. It has K326, K346, RG 81 and NOD 9 genes. Variety Producers
CC 143 is a typical flue-cured F1 hybrid with pyramidal plant shape, morphologically similar to K 326. At flowering, plants carry between 24 and 35, lanceolate, sessile leaves (with glandular trichomes) arranged alternately on the stalk. Flowers are pink and carried on an inflorescence. CC 143 is a hybrid between RJR MS 1 and CC P BF3 that is resistant to black shank (Phytophthora parasitica) and bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum). Variety Producers
CC 27 was released by Cross Creek Seed. It is a tobacco F1 hybrid. CC 27 has a rating of 12 (from the Ph gene) for black shank resistance, a 23 rating for resistance to Granville wilt, and is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Variety Producers
CC 304 is a flue-cured tobacco hybrid from a cross of CC P 304 and CC MS 304. Parentage includes K 149 and Speight 168. Similar to K 149. Resistance to black shank and bacterial wilt. Variety Producers
CC 33 is a flue-cured tobacco hybrid tested as RJR 33. It has moderately high resistance to black shank and bacterial wilt and has resistance to root-knot nematodes. Variety Producers
CC 37 is a hybrid flue-cured tobacco variety with resistance to TMV. Variety Producers
CC 65 is a flue-cured tobacco hybrid from a cross of RJR P5 and RJR MS 6. It has the N. glauca source of male sterility. It has K326 background. Variety Producers
CELEBRATION™ is owned by Sod Solutions, Inc. Leaf color is dark blue-green, a hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) . It has a very prostrate growth habit. Leaf width averages 1.7 mm, leaf length averages 8 mm, and internode length is 13.6 mm. Internode diameter is 1.3 mm. Stolon color is red/purple. A very small number of seed heads are produced (average number of seed heads are 0.2/100 square centimeters). It is tolerant of light to moderate shade. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
CG WINDBREAK/TN 902 was released by the University of TN to the control of Tennessee Advanced Genetics to maintain and licensee to various seed companies in 2011. It is a soft red winter wheat with a medium height, medium heading date, and apically awnletted variety with good test weights. Juvenile plant growth is erect at the boot stage and green in color. Flag leaves are erect and twisted. Anther color is yellow and the head shape is strap, dense, and recurved. TN 902 is moderately resistant/susceptible to leaf rust, stem rust, and to soil-borne mosaic virus. TN 902 is susceptible to powdery mildew, head scab, and stripe rust. TN 902 has excellent emergence, standability, and winter hardiness. Variety Producers
CHERAW (exp. SC06-676) was released by SC Agricultural Experiment Station. It is a group VIII, determinate soybean. It is glyphosate and nematode-resistant. Plants have white flowers, tawny pubescence, good lodging resistance, and tan pod walls. Seeds are yellow with variable gray hila and average 14.5 g/100 seed compared with 15.3 g/100 seed for ‘N8001’. Seed quality is good and seed protein and oil average 40.0% and 21.0% (D.M. basis), respectively. Cheraw is resistant to Southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne icognita) and soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) Race 3. Cheraw is also resistant to stem canker disease (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora). Variety Producers
CL2047290 / USG 7633XF brand was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, determinate soybean with 6.3 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Read 2 XtendFlex soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has white flowers, light tawny pubescence, brown pod walls, and a black hilum. It is rated to have good resistance to frog-eye leaf spot, stem canker, Phytophthora root rot, and soybean cyst nematode. It has moderate resistance to sudden death syndrome.US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
COVINGTON was released by North Carolina Agricultural Research Service in 2005. The leaves are green and range from heart-shaped to slightly lobed. The roots are rose colored with an orange flesh. Shapes are blocky to fusiform with good size uniformity. The clone is resistant to Fusarium wilt and moderately resistant to Streptomyces soil rot (pox) and the southern root-knot nematode. Yields are high with a good packout of No. 1 grade roots. Eating quality is very good. Sprout production is moderate but about 10 days later than Beauregard. Harvest is 105-115 days after planting. Variety Producers
CP 8022 (GL 6222) is a medium-short height, medium maturing, awned soft red winter wheat. It has good winter hardiness, and standability. It has excellent test weights. This variety has good resistance to soil-borne mosaic virus, stripe rust, powdery mildew, and scab. Juvenile growth habit is semi-erect. Plant color at boot stage is green. Anther color is yellow. Auricle anthocyanin is absent. Flag leaf at boot stage is recurved, twisted and wax is present. Head shape is tapering and awned. Glumes are medium in length. Glume shoulder shape is oblique with an acuminate beak. Chaff color is tan at maturity. Variety Producers
CP 8045 is a medium height, medium maturing soft red winter wheat. It has an awned head that is mid-dense, tapering, and inclined. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect. Plant color at boot stage is green and flag leaf is erect and twisted, with wax present. It has strong resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, powdery mildew, Stagnospora glume blotch, and Fusarium head blight.
Variety Producers
CP 9606/112371W is a medium height, medium maturity, awned soft red winter wheat with good standibility and winter hardiness. It has excellent resistance to stripe rust and shows good resistance to leaf rust, soil-borne mosaic, powdery mildew, wheat spindle streak mosaic, barley yellow dwarf virus, septoria nodorum and septoria tritici. It also has resistance to Biotypes B, D, L, and O Hessian fly. It has a green color at booting and erect, twisted, waxy flag leaves. Hollow stems have a waxy bloom and may show anthocyanin. Heads are tapering, lax and recurved with white glumes. Glumes are long and wide with wanting, medium shoulders and medium, acuminate beaks. Seed is ovate with rounded cheeks and a medium, shallow crease and medium brush with no collar. It is well adapted to the northern soft wheat production areas and avoid the extreme south areas where vernalization can be a problem. Variants do not exceed 1% of the variety. US PROTECTED VARIETY Variety Producers
DYNAGRO 9701 was released by Dyna-Gro Seed. It is a soft red winter wheat. It has an awned head type with a medium-early maturity. The plant has a medium-tall plant height, excellent straw strength, winter hardiness, and very good test weight. It has excellent resistance to Hessian fly, leaf rust, septoria leaf blotch, strip rust, and fusarium head scab. It has good resistance to Stagonospora glume blotch and powdery mildew. It is widely adapted to the wheat growing region. Variety Producers
DYNAGRO 9811 was released by Virginia Tech. A soft red wheat, it is a broadly adapted variety with high yield potential, medium stature (34-38 inches), average straw strength, and good winter hardiness. Plant stem and spike color of Dynagro 9811 are green with spiked awns. Head emergence is average, similar to ‘Hilliard’ or four days earlier than ‘Shirley’. With the exception of stem rust, DynaGro 9811 has expressed moderate to high levels of resistance to diseases prevalent in the SRW wheat region. These include powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, leaf and glume blotch, soil-borne mosaic virus, wheat spindle streak mosaic virus, barley and cereal yellow dwarf viruses, Fusarium head blight, and Hessian fly (Biotypes B, C, and D). US PROTECTED VARIETY. Variety Producers
EMERY was released by Dr. Tom Isleib. EMERY is a high-oleic large-seeded Virginia type peanut released from Dr. Tom Isleib’s peanut breeding program, initially numbered N010046ol. Growth exhibits alternate branching, intermediate runner growth habit, and medium green foliage. It has approximately 68% jumbo pods, 89% fancy pods, seeds with tan seed coat, super extra-large kernel content of 17%, extra-large kernel content of 32% and 72% total sound mature kernels. Producers of Emery seed will be required to test conditioned seed to verify high oleic composition. Emery is covered by utility patents on high oleic oil chemistry. Only licensed producers may sell this variety for seed and no farmer saved seed is allowed. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR and seed can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
EMPIRE™ is a variety of Zoysia japonica, owned by Sod Solutions, Inc. It has dark-green color and open growth habit. Leaf width is 4.7 - 5.5 mm, leaf length is 120 - 140 mm, and internode length is 30 - 35 mm. It has moderate to good shade tolerance, excellent salt tolerance, and good drought tolerance. Its use is for lawns (residential, commercial, sports, and parks) and performs well in sandy and clay soil. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
EVANGELINE was released by LSU Ag Center. It is disease Resistant to southern root-knot nematode. The plant produces few oversize roots, but a majority U.S. No. 1 grade roots. The roots are orange fleshed and orange skinned. They contain an abundance of sucrose and are great for baking and microwaving. Variety Producers
FREEDOM was released by Mississippi State University. Giant Miscanthus, is a newly developed biomass crop. It has superior height, standability, and vigorous growth habit. It is heat and drought tolerant, and tolerates poor soils. Plants produce large amounts of dense dark green foliage with an alternate leaf arrangement and semi-hollow woody stems. The leaves are serrated and slightly greater than two feet in length with prominent mid-vein, hair-like ligules, and contain dense plant crowns consisting of 23 stems per ft2. ‘Freedom’ can be distinguished from Miscanthus x giganteus ‘Illinois’ clone cultivar by a less acute leaf angle of 32o measured from the vertical stem above the leaf. Freedom is exclusively licensed to Repreve Renewables, Soperton, GA. Variety Producers
GEORGIA-VAL/HO (Reg. no. CV-143, PI 695316) was released by Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station in 2020 . is a new high yielding, high oleic, large podded, large seeded, valencia type peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. ssp. fastigiata var. fastigiata) cultivar. Georgia-Val/HO has an atypical semi-prostrate growth habit and medium maturity, but typical valencia three seed per pod and red testa color. It also has moderate resistance to tomato spotted wilt disease. Georgia-Val/HO was developed at the University of Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, GA. It was developed from an intersubspecific cross made in 2010 between two Georgia cultivars, ‘Georgia-11J’ (ssp. hypogaea) and ‘Georgia Valencia’ (ssp. fastigiata). During 4 yr (2016–2019) averaged across two planting dates (April and May), Georgia-Val/HO had significantly less total disease incidence and higher pod yield, total sound mature kernel (TSMK) grade, and dollar values compared with six other valencia cultivars in Georgia. Georgia-Val/HO had significantly higher overall performance at both early April and optimum May planting dates. Georgia-Val/HO combines high yield, TSMK grade, and dollar value with large pods and seed and the high O/L ratio trait for longer shelf life of peanut and peanut products. Georgia-Val/HO has high yield and large pod and seed size. This new cultivar has a high oleic/linoleic ratio. Variety Producers
GERARD 224 is similar to Rodgers in leaf color, stem, and panicle shape but shorter than Rodgers by 5 inches averaging 41 inches tall. It has more stalk strength than Rodgers and heads one day earlier than Rodgers. It has hairy yellow stems with erect, dark green leaves that are smooth on the margins and leaf sheath. It has a recurved rachis and yellow, smooth lemmas, and non-twisted awns. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR. No Registered class. Variety Producers
GERARD 227 / NC12-3447 was released by North Carolina State University (NCSU). It is a high yielding, mid-season maturing, medium statured hulled oat with good test weight and good winter hardiness. It was released because of its competitive grain yield and test weight in comparison with Gerard 224, the consistently highest performing oat in North Carolina. Gerard 227 has a golden hull color that is much desired by North Carolina oat producers while Gerard 224 has an ivory hull. Gerard 227 is exclusively licensed through NCSU and seed propagation is limited to license holders. US PROTECTED VARIETY application and limitations to certified classes of seed is anticipated. Variety Producers
GF 318 Variety Producers
GL 395 Variety Producers
GP 348 (var. B16#04-8348) was released by Grow Pro Genetics. It is an early maturing, medium height, awnless soft red winter wheat. GP 348 has good resistance to powdery mildew and Septoria. It is very susceptible to soil borne mosaic virus, and moderately susceptible to Fusarium head blight and barley yellow dwarf virus. It has a great test weight and high falling number. US Plant Patent Variety Producers
GP 381 / B16#12-9381 was released by GrowPro Genetics, LLC. It is a medium-early maturity, medium-short in height, awnless soft red winter wheat. GP381 has performed best in the mid-Atlantic areas. Juvenile growth habit is semi-erect. Plant color at boot stage is green. Anther color is yellow. Auricle anthocyanin is absent. Flag leaf at boot stage is erect, twisted and wax is present. It has shown resistance to Hessian Fly biotype B and has shown excellent resistance to leaf rust. GP381 has shown good resistance to Fusarium Head Blight, powdery mildew, strip rust, Septoria triticci, and soil borne mosaic virus. GP381 has shown to have excellent winter hardiness and standability. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR Variety Producers
GP 543 17NSVZ310543 was released by Grow Pro Genetics. is a medium tall, medium early soft winter wheat variety, developed by Grow Pro genetics. GP 543 has a semi-erect juvenile growth habit, a blue-green leaf color at boot. Flag leaf at boot is erect, twisted and waxed, with a yellow anther color. It is apically awnletted, short beak length, medium shoulder width and red seed color. It has moderate levels of native resistance to Fusarium Head Blight and Barley Yellow Dwarf, good levels of resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, and powdery mildew. Moderately susceptible to Septoria leaf blotch.US PATENT PROTECTED VARIETY. Variety Producers
HILLIARD was released by Virginia Tech. It is a soft red wheat that is a broadly adapted variety with high yield potential, medium stature (34-38 inches), later heading date, and excellent straw strength. Plant stem and spike color of Hilliard are green, and its spikes are tapering and awned. Hilliard is resistant to powdery mildew, Barley and cereal Yellow Dwarf Viruses and moderately resistant to leaf rust, leaf blotch caused by Septoria tritici and Stagnosopora nodorum, and glume blotch caused by S. nodorum. Hilliard is resistant to Hessian fly Biotypes B, C, and D, but susceptible to biotype O and L. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
HORIZON 578 (NC12-3578) was released by North Carolina Agricultural Research Service. It is a winter oat (Avena sativa L.) cultivar that is similar to Rodgers and Gerard 224 in leaf color, stem, and panicle shape but shorter in stature. NC10-5069 is a high yielding, full-season maturity, short stature, hulled oat with good test weight, winter hardiness and moderate susceptibility to crown rust. It is best adapted to the Southeastern oat-producing region. Variety Producers
INNOVATION is a fine-textured, cold tolerant zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) owned and licensed by Sod Solutions, Inc. Innovation was co-developed and jointly released by Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Dallas, TX, and the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan, KS. Innovation is an F1 interspecific hybrid developed in 2001 from a cross between Z. matrella (L). Merr. and an ecotype of Z. japonica Steud. Innovation must be vegetatively propagated. Innovation is a fast growing zoysia that has similar spring green-up and fall color retention as Meyer and is well suited for use on golf course fairways and tees, home lawns and other recreational areas in the transition zone. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
IRONCUTTER (Var. JSC 2-21-18) is a hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon). It is a vegetatively propagated variety of bermudagrass. Shoots of IronCutter are slender attaining a maximum height of approximately 25 cm on un-mowed swards. Shoot density is high resulting in a dense sward. IronCutter leaves are slightly convex, sparsely hirsute on the abaxial and adaxial surfaces, and smooth on the edges. IronCutter stolons are slender, and inflorescences typically have three or four racemes with about 30 spikelets. It has exceptional turf quality with a fine texture. It has strong winter hardiness and high shoot density. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
JAKE is a determinate variety (relative maturity 5.4) that averages 32” in height. It has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pods and black hila seed. Jake has shown resistance to races 1, 2, 3, 5 and 14 of soybean cyst nematode, is resistant to reniform nematode and has shown moderate resistance to Root Knot nematode. It is moderately resistant to Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and stem canker and is susceptible to Phytophthora root rot. Variety Producers
JAMUR is a newly discovered asexually reproduced variety of zoysiagrass plant, perennial, having a superior rate of spreading with texture improved over common zoysiagrass, superior turf grass quality regarding compactness and low degree of thatch, and slightly darker than average green color. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
K 149 was released by Novartis Seeds, Inc. in 1989. It was developed from a number of crosses involving Speight G-28, K 399 and several breeding lines. It has moderate resistance to black shank and high resistance to Granville wilt, is resistant to the southern root-knot nematodes (races 1 and 3) and is susceptible to tobacco mosaic virus. Variety Producers
K 326 was released by Novartis Seeds, Inc. in 1982. It was developed from a cross of two breeding lines that were derived from crosses between Coker 139 and Coker 319 and McNair 30 and NC 95. The variety has low resistance to black shank and Granville wilt, and has resistance to root-knot nematodes, and is susceptible to mosaic. The yield is much higher than NC 2326 or NC 95; and its quality as indicated by dollars/cwt and quality index is much higher than NC 2326 or NC 95. K 326 is known for its high quality and curability. K 326 has a very low level of weather fleck. Variety Producers
K 346 was released by Novartis Seeds, Inc. in 1989. It was developed from a cross involving McNair 926 (released as K 326) and a breeding line. It has high resistance to black shank and Granville wilt, is resistant to southern root-knot nematodes (races 1 and 3), and is susceptible to tobacco mosaic. Resistance to black shank is very high. K 346 has average yields and grade index. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed - 1994 PVPA. Variety Producers
K 394 was released by Novartis Seeds, Inc. in 1984. It was developed from a cross of Speight G-28 and McNair 944. This variety carries high resistance to black shank and low resistance to Granville wilt and is susceptible to root-knot nematodes and mosaic. K 394 has about 20 medium-spaced leaves per plant when topped at 39 inches about 68 days after transplanting and has a low ground sucker count. It produces a very high yield of average quality leaf. Variety Producers
K 399 was released by Novartis Seeds, Inc. in 1980. It was developed from a cross of (Coker 139 and Coker 319) and NC 95. The yield is higher than NC 2326 or NC 95 and its quality as indicated by dollars/cwt. and quality index is much higher than NC 2326 or NC 95. The data for the number of ground suckers is low. The variety has a moderate number of leaves on a low stalk and plants flower somewhat late. K 399 has high resistance to black shank and Granville wilt and resistance to root-knot nematodes. It is susceptible to mosaic. Variety Producers
K 730 was released by Novartis Seeds, Inc. in 1993. It was developed from a cross involving K 326 and a Novartis breeding line. K 730 is a K 326 type of tobacco with high resistance to Granville wilt and low resistance to black shank. Upper stalk cures with a high percentage of orange colored leaf. The curability and ease of handling is similar to K 326. It offers resistance to southern root-knot nematodes (races 1 and 3). It has tolerance to brown spot and holds well in the field for delayed harvests. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed - 1970 PVPA. Variety Producers
LATITUDE 36™ (OKC 1119) turf bermudagrass was released in 2010 by Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. Latitude 36™ is an interspecific hybrid of Cynodon dactylon (common bermudagrass) and C. transvaalensis (African bermudagrass). The variety is a top performer in 2007-2012 NTEP National Bermudagrass Test ( due to its exceptional turf quality. Latitude 36™ has significantly improved cold hardiness, fine leaf blades, high sod density and desirable sod tensile strength. The turf grass is recommended for use in both the transition zone and southern states. The variety may only be sold by licensed producers and is available only as a certified grass. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
LAVERNE was released by Virginia Tech. It is a soft red winter wheat line. It is a broadly adapted, early heading, semi-dwarf variety that is very short in plant height with very good straw strength. It expresses moderate to high levels of resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, stem rust, Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus, leaf blotch, leaf and glume blotch, and Fusarium Head Blight. Plant and spike color are green, and its awnletted spikes are strap in shape. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed Variety Producers
LCS VIOLETTA was released by and licensed by Limagrain Cereal Seeds. It is a two row winter barley. It is a short stature plant height (averages 31.4 inches), an early maturing with green leaves at boot. Flag leaf is erect and twisted at boot. Auricle color is white, with straight, long, rough awns. LCS Violetta was selected for its malting quality, earliness, winter hardiness and resistance to Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus. LCS Violetta also showed excellent tolerance to leaf rust, powdery mildew, and net blotch. It is adapted for the Pacific Northwest and the Eastern Seaboard of the US. Licensed to produce seed through Limagrain Cereal Seeds and no farmer saved seed allowed; Community Plant Variety Rights Variety Producers
LIBERTY 5658 was released by Virginia Tech. It is a broadly adapted soft red wheat with high yielding, high test weight, mid-season, semi-dwarf (gene Rht1) wheat. Liberty 5658 has the rust resistance gene cluster Lr37-Sr38-Yr17 and gene Bvd3 for resistance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. Liberty 5658 expresses moderate to high levels of resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, stem rust, wheat spindle streak mosaic virus, leaf blotch, glume blotch, and Fusarium head blight. Plant and spike color of Liberty 5658 are blue green, and its awned spikes are tapering in shape. Head emergence is 112 days on average. Liberty 5658 is medium height and has excellent straw strength. Its flour will likely be exceptional for production of cracker and bread products as well being suitable for pastry products. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR. Variety Producers
LOBO Variety Producers
M60 (PrizmTM) was released by David L. Doguet, Daric Doguet, and Virginia G. Lehman near Poteet, TX. It is a variety of Zoysia matrella discovered in a collection of seedling plants. PrizmTM was identified in 2011 as a distinctly different vegetative patch or clonal plant differing from the surrounding plants. PrizmTM zoysiagrass can be used as a turfgrass suitable for home lawns, sports fields, and golf course greens and tees. PrizmTM was selected for fine texture, extensive rhizome development, disease resistance, and growth habit. PrizmTM is licensed by Bladerunner Farms and may be sold only by licensed growers. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
M66 (STADIUM™) was released by David L. Doguet, Daric Doguet, and Virginia G. Lehman. They discovered M66 zoysiagrass under cultivated conditions near Poteet, Tex. in a collection of seedling plants. M66 was identified in 2011 as a distinctly different vegetative patch or clonal plant differing from the surrounding plants. M66 showed a medium-fine leaf texture, both finer and darker than Zeon. M66 can be used as a turfgrass suitable for home lawns, sports fields, and golf courses. M66 was selected for fine texture, disease resistance and growth habit. M66 has shown good temperature adaptation as far north as Athens, Georgia. M66 is licensed by Bladerunner Farms and may be sold only by licensed growers. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
MAHON was developed from continuous selection and reselection from over 25 years for eating quality, productivity and visually appealing shape. Mahon has an orange flesh with a rose color skin. Mahon has an outwardly spreading, dense canopy with leaves palmate, lobed and veined alternate. Normally Mahon leaves have 7 lobes. Petiole average lengths are thinner and shorter compared to Covington. Mahon tends to be affected greatly by soil fertility and water from rain or irrigation. Mahon is excellent for eating with a unique leaf shape for vegetable sweetpotatoes. US Plant Patent Variety Producers
MEYER was released by USDA-ARS in 1951. It is an improved strain of Zoysia japonica also known as Meyer Z-52 zoysia. It is dense, has a dark green color, medium texture, good disease resistance and more cold tolerant than most zoysia varieties. Variety Producers
MFL-2P59 (V10-3653) was released by Virginia Tech University. It is a conventional soybean with a determinate growth habit and a relative maturity of 5.8. It has purple flower, tawny pubescence and tan pod walls. It is a large-seeded cultivar, bred for the Asian export market. MFL-2P59 seed size is 24.8 g/100 seeds, slightly larger than MFL-159 (24.1 g/ 100 seeds). Plant height of MFL-2P59 (29 in) is shorter than MFL-159 (32 in), causing less lodging. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR Variety Producers
MFL-688 was released by Virginia Tech University. It is a conventional soybean with a 5.8 relative maturity and a determinate growth habit. It has purple flowers and gray pubescence. Seeds have yellow cotyledons, light buff hila, and a yellow seed coat. The average plant height is 34.1 inches. MFL-688 also has a higher sugar and protein content than V10-3563 making it a preferred food-grade soybean. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR Variety Producers
MFS-885 (V121885 brand) was released by Virginia Tech University. Variety Producers
MIDLAND 99 was released by the Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, and Missouri Agricultural Experiment Stations, the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation and the USDA-ARS in April of 1999. It comes from crosses that span from Afghanistan, Ghana and Oklahoma. It has tall, upright growth, tolerates low pH soils. Its leaves are 2-4 cm and produces seedheads later than other forage varieties. No Registered class. Variety Producers
MOMENTUM 106 It is a broadly adapted, white-chaffed, awnless variety with early maturity and moderately short height with good standabililty. Its Fusarium head blight (scab) resistance level is good and the DON (deoxynivalenol) content is low. Momentum 106 has an intermediate reaction to Septoria Triticci blotch and Septoria glume blotch as well as to black chaff or bacterial leaf streak, is susceptible to yellow rust and leaf rust and is moderately tolerant of acid soils. Variety Producers
MURASAKI-29 was developed by the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment State to provide a specialty-type, white-flesh variety. It has good culinary characteristics and does not require any additional baking time in comparison to dessert-type cultivars. The leaves are light to dark green with an obtuse or emarginated leaf apex and cordate leaf base. The roots are elliptical, and are characterized by their white flesh, high dry matter, and purple skin. Murasaki-29 is resistant to southern root-knot nematode and Fusarium root rot, but tests also show that it does not perform well if planted late. Good yields are normally harvested in approximately 90-100 days. Variety Producers
McNAIR 944 was released by Novartis Seeds, Inc. in 1973. It was developed from a cross of Speight G-10 and McNair 30. It produces a high yield of average quality tobacco on the basis of government grades. The variety produces a higher percentage of orange colored leaf that is medium in body and texture with a medium nicotine content. The plants are medium tall with a medium number of leaves that are of medium length and width. There are a low number of ground suckers. McNair 944 has moderate resistance to black shank, and low resistance to Granville wilt. It is susceptible to root-knot nematodes and mosaic. Variety Producers
N7003CN - Group 7.6 is a conventional soybean released by NC State University. It is a determinate plant that has a tawny pubescence, purple flower, and a black hilum. US PROTECTED VARIETY Variety Producers
NAGARA was released by Mendel Biotechnology. Miscanthus x giganteus) is a perennial, seed sterile triploid (2n=3x=57) that is propagated asexually via rhizomes and tillers. It was developed by Mendel Biotechnology, Inc. as ‘MBS 7001’, US Plant Patent PP22,033 P2, and introduced by AgGrow Tech into North Carolina for the purpose of biomass production. Nagara demonstrates vigorous growth, top leaf height of 106”, green leaves without stripes, high biomass (20-33 dry tons/acre), high tiller density, and increased drought tolerance. Mature plants flower under long photoperiods, resulting in formation of compound spike inflorescence beginning in early to late October in South Georgia. Nagara can be distinguished from the industry standard Miscanthus x giganteus ‘Illinois’ clone cultivar by increased yield, increased basal circumference, longer culm length, and higher dry mass yield. Nagara can be distinguished from ‘Freedom” by the absence of white stripe in leaf, a much lower mature leaf angle (5⁰ vs 32⁰), and a reddish membranous (about 2.5 mm) ligule. Protected by US Plant Patent # 22,033 P2 and may only be propagated with the permission of AgGrow Tech. Variety Producers
NC 102 is an F1 tobacco hybrid developed by NCSU with exclusive release to F.W. Rickard Seeds, Inc. with seed available from Gold Leaf Seed Co. in 2005. It has very high levels of race 0 black shank resistance. It is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, potato virus Y, and tobacco etch virus. Variety Producers
NC 196 is a cytoplasmic male-sterile (cms) F1 flue-cured tobacco hybrid. Plants of NC 196 grow with a medium green color, have compact leaf spacing and produce 20-22 leaves on a stalk approximately 40 inches in length. It is resistant to race 0 black shank with moderate resistance to race 1. It has moderate resistance to bacterial wilt and is resistant to races 1 and 3 root-knot nematode and is resistant to the tobacco cyst nematode. Variety Producers
NC 20 was released by North Carolina State University and developed by Dr. Jeffrey Dunne. It is a high-oleic, high yielding Virginia-type peanut cultivar. NC 20 has approximately 63.0% jumbo pods and 30.6% fancy pods, seeds with tan seed coat averaging 906 mg seed-1, and extra-large kernel content of approximately 35%. NC 20 has the high-oleic trait that includes modified fatty acid content of the seed oil with elevated oleic fatty acid content and depressed linoleic acid content. This increases the shelf life of the seed and products made from them. NC 20 has alternate branching pattern, decumbent growth habit, and profuse branching. It is moderately resistant to southern stem rot, late leaf spot, Sclerotinia blight, early leaf spot, and tomato spotted wilt virus. It is resistant to Cylindrocladium black rot (CBR). US PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR and seed can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
NC 291 is an F1 hybrid developed by NCSU with exclusive release to Cross Creek Seed in 2001. It has very high resistance to black shank race 0 and very low resistance to Granville Wilt. NC 291 is resistant to potato virus Y (PVY) and tobacco etch virus. Variety Producers
NC 297 was released by NC Agricultural Research Service in 1999. and was exclusively released to Gold Leaf Seed Co. It is an F1. Plants of NC 297 grow with a medium dark green color and produce 18-19 leaves on a 39-inch stalk. Plants flower about the same time as NC 71. Leaves ripen normally and cure to an orange color. NC 297 has a very high rating of resistance to black shank and low to moderate rating for resistance to Granville wilt. NC 297 has resistance to races 1 and 3 of the root-knot nematode. It has a high rating of resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. Variety Producers
NC 299 is an F1 hybrid developed by NCSU with exclusive release to Cross Creek Seed in 2002. It has very high resistance to black shank race 0 and very low resistance to Granville Wilt. NC 299 is resistant to potato virus Y (PVY) and tobacco etch virus. Variety Producers
NC 55 was developed from a cross of K 326 and Coker 371-Gold. It has low resistance to black shank and Granville wilt. It has resistance to root-knot nematodes and potato virus Y. It yields nearly the same as K 326 with equal quality and curability. Days to flower, plant height and leaf number are similar to K 326. Variety Producers
NC 606 is a tobacco variety developed from ‘NC 729’ / ‘NC 82’ by North Carolina Agricultural Research Service with exclusive release to Raynor Certified Tobacco Seed in 2001. It has very good cured-leaf quality. NC 606 has a high level of resistance to black shank and Granville wilt. It is resistant to the common races of the root knot nematode. Variety Producers
NC 810 is a tobacco variety developed by NCSU with exclusive release to Cross Creek Seed and R.J. Raynor Seed Company in 2001. It has moderate race 0 and race 1 black shank resistance. NC 810 has high resistance to Granville wilt. Variety Producers
NC 925 925 is a fertile inbred cultivar of flue-cured tobacco. It has bigh black shank resistance, comparable to K346 and relatively high yields. It is susceptible to TMV. It has closely spaced leaves, averaging 18.7 leaves per plant, average plant height, averages 72 days to midbloom. Variety Producers
NC DUNPHY was released by NC State University. It is a conventional soybean. It is a determinate plant with an early group 6 maturity. It has a gray pubescence, purple flower, imperfect black hilum, and a tan pod wall. It has a shorter plant height with greater lodging resistance. NC Dunphy has an increased yield potential compared to other non-GMO group 6 soybeans and has shown resistant to stem canker. NC Dunphy is also a high oil type cultivar, having higher seed oil and lower seed proteins. It is well adapted in areas where group 7 soybeans are typically grown. No Registered class allowed. Variety Producers
NC MILLER - Group V - (in our nursery it is the same as Hutcheson in maturity) with purple flowers and grey pubescence. Height is 29 inches (plus or minus an inch depending on where and when it is grown). Buff hilum. US PROTECTED VARIETY. Variety Producers
NC RALEIGH - Group VII was released by USDA ARS and NCARS in 2002. It has white flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod walls, and black hila. It has good resistance to leaf diseases. Seed size is small. Variety Producers
NC-ROY - Group VI was released by North Carolina Agricultural Research Service and USDA-ARS. has white flowers, gray pubescence, and brown pod walls. Seed are small with buff hilum. It has resistance to soybean mosaic virus. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
NOMINI was released by the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station. It is an early maturing, medium tall, high yielding six-row winter barley with compact spikes. It is resistant to powdery mildew, Septoria, and barley yellow dwarf virus. Nomini is moderately susceptible to leaf rust and is not very winter hardy. Variety Producers
NORTHBRIDGE™ (OKC 1134) turf bermudagrass was released in 2010 by Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. NorthBridge™ turf bermudagrass is an interspecific hybrid of Cynodon dactylon (common bermudagrass) and C. transvaalensis (African bermudagrass). The variety has exceptional turf quality, significantly improved cold hardiness, early greenup, quick establishment growth, desirable sod tensile strength, and a high level of salinity tolerance, as demonstrated in the 2007-2012 NTEP National Bermudagrass Test ( NorthBridge is recommended for use in the Transition and Southern states. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
NU-EAST was released by USDA. It is a hard red winter wheat. It is awned, semi-dwarf, with brown chaff. It heads on average 109 days after January 1. It has good stalk strength, good winter hardiness. It averages 35 inches in height. It has moderate resistance to stem rust, yellow dwarf virus, powdery mildew, Fusarium head blight, stagonospora nodorum head blight, and Hessian fly. It has good leaf rust resistance but is susceptible to stripe rust. Variety Producers
O'HENRY is a white-skinned, cream-fleshed variant of Beauregard. Its maturity and disease resistance is the same as Beauregard. The leaves are green and mainly heart shaped. Vines and petioles are green with light purple at the apex of the petiole and at leaf axil. Eating quality is similar to Beauregard, though the flesh is a little drier, but not as dry as some of the old white varieties. Variety Producers
ORLEANS It is a new orange flesh, light rose skinned sweet potato. It is a twin to ‘Beauregard’ in many ways. Skin and flesh color are similar to ‘Beauregard’ and the sugar profiles are identical to ‘Beauregard’ so flavor is unchanged. Production characteristics in plant beds and the field (days to harvest), disease resistance, and yield are similar to ‘Beauregard’, but with fewer jumbos and improved quality. Growers will need to purchase a license, report acreage, and production locations to Louisiana. Patent applied for. Variety Producers
OZARK was released by the Department of Agronomy at the University of Missouri in 2002. Ozark is a propagation from a very cold tolerant bermudagrass from Yugoslavia and 'Coastal'. Based on its cold tolerance and stand persistence, it is thought to be best adapted to the northern half of the bermudagrass belt. Ozark is propagated by conventional sprigging and produces vigorous underground rhizomes and crown buds. Variety Producers
PURPLE MAJESTY (NCPUR13-0315) produces purple-fleshed, smooth skinned, storage roots that are generally elliptical and blocky. The skin color is dark purple. The leaves of Purple Majesty are alternate and simple in structure, and cordate to lobed in shape with 1-3 teeth to slight lobing and 0-3 lobes. The leaves have a smooth texture and matte finish. The shape of the central lobe is triangular. Stem tip anthocyanin coloration is absent and stem tip pubescence is absent. It produces uniformly shaped roots with a high percentage of number 1 grade sized roots. Purple Majesty averaged 189% of the total marketable yield (TMY) of ‘Stokes Purple’ and 114% the TMY of ‘Covington’. Purple Majesty is moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt, susceptible to Streptomyces soil rot and to southern root knot nematode,Meloidogyne incognita. Variety Producers
PURPLE SPLENDOR (NCPUR13-0030) It produces purple-fleshed, smooth-skinned, storage roots that are generally blocky to round elliptic. The skin color is dark purple. It produces roots shorter than ‘Stokes Purple’ for soils and conditions where ‘Stokes Purple’ can be long. The leaves of Purple Splendor are alternate and simple in structure, and cordate in shape with slightly to moderately lobed in shape with 0-3 lobes. The leaves have a smooth texture and matte finish. The shape of the central lobe is semi-elliptic. Stem tip anthocyanin coloration is absent and stem tip pubescence is moderate. Purple Splendor averaged 152% of the total marketable yield (TMY) of ‘Stokes Purple’ and 106% the TMY of ‘Covington’. Purple Splendor is moderately resistant to Fusarium wilt, moderately susceptible to Streptomyces soil rot and resistant to southern root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Variety Producers
RADIANCE was released by LSU Ag Center. Radiance is an orange flesh, purple-red skinned sweet potato capable of high yields in northern latitudes. It has shown superior disease resistance to fusarium wilt. This variety produces US#1 grade and total marketable yields equal or higher than ‘Covington’ and ‘Orleans’ in Candian sweetpotato production regions. It tends to have more Jumbos than ‘Covington’ and ‘Orleans’, indicative of its earliness. Variety Producers
RG 17 was developed by RG Seed Company from a cross between K 326 and K 399. It has high resistance to Granville wilt and low resistance to black shank. It produces high yields of good quality tobacco. Compared to K 326, plants of RG 17 flowered about 2 days earlier, were slightly taller with one additional leaf per plant after topping, and had average leaf spacing similar to that of K 326. Variety Producers
ROANE was released by Virginia Agricultural Research Station. It is a soft red winter wheat that is a full season, high yielding, awnletted variety with high-test weight. It is shorter than Jackson and is resistant to the prevalent field populations of powdery mildew, has intermediate resistance to soil-borne mosaic, wheat spindle streak, and leaf and glume blotch. It has resistance to some of the races of leaf rust, but has no resistance to stem rust. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed. No Registered Class. Variety Producers
RODGERS was released by North Carolina Agricultural Research Service in cooperation with USDA ARS. It is a high yielding, mid-season oat cultivar that has good test weight, kernel size, plant height, straw strength, and tolerance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. No Registered Class. Variety Producers
SECRETARIAT is a high-yield, high test weight, moderately early heading, short stature, six-row winter barley having good winter hardiness. The spikes of Secretariat are erect, strap, and slightly waxy with no overlapping lateral kernels and short awns. It is a potential commodity for feed, food, and fuel ethanol production. Grain of Secretariat is superior overall to those of many hulled varieties. It is resistant to all of the prevalent diseases in the eastern US except for Fusarium head blight. Variety Producers
SH 3224 (6PHLQ96B) is a soft red winter wheat. It has a tapering, awned head at maturity. Erect juvenile plant growth, medium glume length. It has an ovate to oval seed shape, and seed color is red. Acuminate seed beak at maturity. It has intermediate resistance to scab and leaf rust. US PATENT PROTECTED. Variety Producers
SH 4222 It is a soft red winter wheat. It has an awned head. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect. Plant color at boot stage is green with an erect, twisted, wax absent flag leaf. Head is mid-dense, tapering, and inclined. Glumes are tan and short with oblique shoulders. Plant height is 90 cm. Variety Producers
SH 5123 is a soft-red winter wheat. Juvenile plant growth habit is upright and plant color at boot is green. Flag leaf at boot stage is erect, twisted. It has an awnletted head with dense head density and has a strap head shape with straight head curvature. Glume color is white. Plant height is 91 cm. Variety Producers
SH 5550 (GA 041293-11E54) is a high grain yielding, medium maturing, awnless, excellent test weight, medium height line. It has good Hessian fly resistance. Its maturity averages about 2 days later than AGS 2035. Juvenile plant growth is erect. At the boot stage, it is blue-green plant color with waxy stems and flag leaves are erect and twisted. GA 041293-11E54 has good resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, powdery mildew and wheat soil-borne mosaic virus resistance. GA 041293-11E54 has good Hessian fly resistance to current predominately biotypes in Georgia. US PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR. Exclusive license has been granted to Meherrin Agricultural and Chemical Co. Variety Producers
SH 7200 was released by Dr. Carl Griffey from the Virginia Tech small grains breeding program. It is a soft red winter wheat cultivar. It is broadly adapted, high yielding, early heading, medium height, awned, white glumes, and straw without anthocyanin. ‘SH7200’ is resistant to powdery mildew, speckled leaf blotch, leaf rust (except race TCRKG), stripe rust (adult plant only: PSTv-14 and PSTv-40), Barley yellow Dwarf Virus, and Hessian Fly (Biotypes B, C, D, L, and O). It is moderately resistant to Glume Blotch but moderately susceptible to Wheat Soil Borne Mosaic Virus. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed. Exclusive license has been granted to Meherrin Agricultural and Chemical Co. Variety Producers
SH 7222 (13VTK429-3) was released by Virginia Tech small grains breeding program. It is a broadly adapted, high yielding, full-season, awned soft red winter wheat. It has moderate to high resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, leaf blotch, leaf and glume blotch, and Fusarium Head Blight. PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR. Variety Producers
SH 9520 (var.16121717) is a medium height, medium-late maturing, awned soft red winter wheat with excellent resistance to Fusarium Head Blight (scab). SH 9520 has a semi-erect juvenile plant growth, green plant color at boot stage, and the flag leaf is erect, twisted with wax present at boot stage. Heads are mid-dense, tapering in shape, and with an inclined curvature. Anthers are purple and glumes are white in color. SH 9520 is adapted to the mid-Atlantic wheat region and has high yield potential and test weight. SH 9520 is licensed to Meherrin Agricultural and Chemical Co. Variety Producers
SHIRLEY was released by by DynaGro. It is a broadly adapted, high yielding, short stature, full-season soft red winter wheat. It has resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust, stem rust, Barley Yellow Dwarf virus, wheat spindle streak mosaic virus, Septoria tritici leaf blotch, Stagnospora nodorum leaf blotch, glume blotch, and Fusarium head blight. It has resistance to Biotype C of Hessian fly. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
SOLA (XSA 11377) was released by North Carolina State University and licensed by Sod Solution Inc.. It is a variety of Stenotaphrum secundatum St. Augustinegrass with medium-fine textured aggressive stoloniferous growth. XSA 11377 is fast to establish, has good levels of shade and drought tolerances, and has superior turf quality over ‘Raleigh’. In comparison to 'Raleigh', this line has slightly better gray leaf spot and chinch bug tolerance, and significantly better sod strength. XSA 1337 can be grown across the southern US and upwards into the transitional climatic zone. XSA 11377 Will only be able to be sold as a Certified Class of Sod in North Carolina. Variety Producers
SOUTHERN STATES 76-30 was released by Southern States Cooperative. It is a medium late winter oat variety that is medium tall. It is similar to Coker 716 in several plant characteristics and in reaction to several diseases. The variety is susceptible to Crown and stem rust, but is resistant to soil-borne mosaic and culm rot. It is generally adapted to the Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT 168 is a conventional variety developed by Speight Seed Company from a cross between Coker 371-Gold and Speight G-118. It has excellent resistance to black shank, Granville wilt and root-knot nematodes. It produces average yields on a 3 foot stalk with good leaf spacing. Leaves ripen at a moderate rate with excellent curability and are mostly lemon and orange color with medium body. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed – 1994 PVPA. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT 210 was released by Speight Seed Farm in 2001. It was developed from (SP116 / G-126) // (K346 / G-28). It flowers 9 days later than NC 2326. The flower head type is intermediate when compared to the open flower head type for NC 2326. The internode between leaves is shorter in comparison to NC 2326. It has moderate resistance to race 0 and race 1 black shank resistance, and high resistance to Granville wilt. It has resistance to southern root-knot nematode. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR – 1994 PVPA. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT 220 was released by Speight Seed Farms in 2004. The resistance rating for black shank is 8 (from Florida 301), and the Granville wilt rating is 16. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed - 1994 PVPA. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT 225 was released by Speight Seed Farm in 2006. It was developed from (Speight 168 x K346) (A95 X Speight 168) this variety flowers 5 days later than NC 2326 and yields just a little bit less than NC 2326, producing 18-19 harvestable leaves in a normal year. The leaves on this variety are closer on the stalk than those of the variety NC 2326. It has a high level of resistance to black shank, bacterial wilt, and Southern root know nematode. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT 227 was released by Speight Seed Farm in 2006. It was developed from (Speight 151 x K346) (SP 202 X K346). This variety flowers 4 days later than NC 2326 and in a normal year it produces around 19-20 harvestable leaves per plant. The leaves on this variety are spaced closer on the stalk than NC 2326. It has a high level of resistance to black shank, bacterial wilt, and Southern root nematode. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT 234 was released by Speight Seed Farm in 2006. It was developed from (Speight 168 x K346). This variety flowers 7 days later than NC 2326 and in a normal year it produces around 18-19 harvestable leaves per plant. The leaves on this variety are spaced closer on the stalk than NC 2326. It has a high resistance to black shank, bacterial wilt, and Southern root nematode. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT 236 is a variety from a four way cross of Speight 168, 177, 179, and 196. It was released in 2005. It averages 70 days to flowering with nearly 18 leaves harvested per plant and leaves fairly closely spaced. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT G-28 was released by Speight Seed Farm in 1969. It was developed from a cross of Coker 139, Oxford 1-181 and NC 95. It produces a moderate yield and medium quality tobacco. This variety tends to produce orange tobacco that is open, has medium grain and has a relatively low nicotine content. Fairly equal amounts of thin, medium and heavy tobacco were produced by this variety; however, it tends to be heavy bodied. Plants of Speight G-28 are short and have more than 19 leaves. The variety flowers medium to late. It has a low number of ground suckers, has moderate resistance to black shank and Granville wilt, is resistant to Fusarium wilt and root-knot nematodes, but is susceptible to mosaic. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT G-70 was released by Released by Speight Seed Farm in 1979. It was developed from a cross of Coker 258 and VA 115 and Speight G-10. The yield is much higher than NC 2326 and its quality is about the same as measured by the dollars/cwt. and grade index. Speight G-70 has an intermediate number of leaves on a low stalk, flowers at a medium time and produces a medium number of ground suckers. Speight G-70 has high resistance to black shank, low resistance to Granville wilt and is resistant to root-knot nematodes. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT H-20 was released by Speight Seed Farms, Inc. in 2000. It is an F1 hybrid. Plants of Speight H-20 produce 18-20 leaves on a 42-inch stalk. Plants flower in about 68 days. Leaves ripen normally and have excellent holding-ability. Performance of Speight H-20 has been similar to Speight G-28. Speight H-20 has a very high rating of resistance to black shank and a high rating for resistance to Granville wilt. Speight H-20 has resistance to prevalent species of the root-knot nematode. It is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Variety Producers
SPEIGHT NF 3 was released by Speight Seed Farm in 1996. It is a “non-flowering” tobacco variety developed from the cross of Speight NF 1 / NC 0007. It flowers about 10-12 days earlier than all other commercial “non-flowering” types of tobacco. Leaf midrib has no arches; leaf color is green; leaf shape is broadest at middle of leaf; acuminate leaf shape; angular venation pattern; smooth leaf surface; leaf margin is not wavy and is not recurved. Plant form is columnar. Flowers are pink and flower head habit is intermediate. It has high levels of resistance to black shank and Granville wilt. It is resistant to Fusarium wilt, root- knot nematode, and brown spot. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed – 1994 PVPA. Variety Producers
SS TRITICALE 1414 (NC01PT-1433) was released by NCSU. It is a winter triticale. It is awned with a semi-prostrate growth habit and a recurved, non-twisted flag leaf. It has a medium maturity with a mid-tall plant height. It has a yellow-green color at boot stage with a mid-dense fusiform head. It is resistant to powdery mildew and leaf rust and susceptible to barley yellow dwarf virus. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a class of Certified Seed. Exclusive license has been granted to Southern States. No Registered Class Variety Producers
SULLIVAN was released by NC State University (Dr. Tom Isleib's program in 2013). This is a Virginia type peanut. Yields on average 45% jumbo, 40% fancy with a tans seed coat, high oleic, and partial resistance to early leaf spot, Cylindrocladium black rot (CBR), Sclerotinia blight (SB), and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV). Pods are most similar to Bailey, NC-V11, and Perry. It was selected for multiple disease resistance and high-oleic acid content. Sullivan was tested in the Virginia-Carolinas Peanut Variety and Quality Evaluation Program as the experimental variety N08075olCT since 2007. Producers of Sullivan will be required to test conditioned seed to verify high oleic composition. Only licensed producers may sell this variety for seed. US PROTECTED VARIETY and seed can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
SY VIPER was released by Syngenta Seeds, Inc. It is a medium to medium-tall, semi-dwarf variety. It is medium to medium-early in maturity with white chaff and heading date almost three and one-half days earlier than “Oakes”. SY Viper has shown broad adaptation with very good yield performance and test weight across the major wheat growing areas. Juvenile growth habit of SY Viper is semi-erect. Plant color at boot stage is blue green. Anther color is yellow. Auricle anthocyanin is absent. Flag leaf at boot stage is erect and twisted and wax is present. Head shape is tapering and awnletted. Glumes are mid-long in length. Glume shoulder shape is oblique with an obtuse beak. Chaff color is white at maturity. Seed shape is ovate. Brush hairs on the seed are mid-long in length and occupy a medium area of the seed tip. Seed cheeks are rounded. It has shown moderate resistance to the current races of powdery mildew and moderate susceptibility to the current races of leaf rust in these areas. Milling and baking characteristics are equivalent to those of soft wheat variety, Jamestown, and SY Viper is intended for grain production. US PROTECTED VARIETY and seed can only be sold as a Class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
TAHOMA 31™ (OKC 1131) turf bermudagrass was released by the Oklahoma State University turf Bermudagrass Breeding and Development team in 2017. The grass has substantial improvements in cold hardiness, early sporing green-up, drought resistance, and traffic tolerance. It has short internodes, offering tolerance to low mowing heights. This grass combines high turf quality and wide adaptation. It is a sterile hybrid that is only capable of being propagated by vegetative reproduction (ie.; sod, sprigs, and plugs). It is sold only as Certified turf Bermudagrass from licensed producers. It can be used where high quality turf is demanded and good management will be practiced on sites that include sports fields, golf courses, commercial properties, and high quality residential lawns. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
TIFBLAIR was released exclusively to The Turfgrass Group, Inc. from USDA ARS and Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station in 1995. It is a variety of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides), the first seed-propagated commercial cultivar with a known pedigree. It has leaf color similar to common centipedegrass. Leaf width (5.9 mm) and length (70.2 mm) is similar to common centipedegrass. Tifblair grows more rapidly, with more vigor, better quality, and more cold tolerance when compared to common centipedegrass in clay loam soils with low pH values (5.0 or lower). It produces more stolons that grow faster and have more leaves in comparison with common centipedegrass. US PROTECTED VARIETY - 1994 PVPA. Variety Producers
TIFGRAND was released by by Dr. Wayne Hanna and Dr. Kris Braman, professors at the University of Georgia in 2009. It was released with exclusive licensing granted to The Turfgrass Group, Inc. of Fort Valley, Georgia. TifGrand is a dense fine leaf warm season turf grass with significantly more shade tolerance thriving in 60-70% continuous shade. TifGrand has a naturally dark green color with superior quality in full sun. It has excellent tawny mole cricket resistance and requires lower fertilizer (nitrogen) and water inputs than some other warm season grasses. The variety is patented and unauthorized propagation is not permitted. The variety may only be sold by licensed producers and is available only as a certified grass. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
TIFTUF (DT-1) was released by UGA in 2015. It is a vegetatively propagated hybrid bermudagrass that was developed. The variety has an exclusive license granted to New Concepts Turf. It has the same leaf characteristics as Tifway but has a lighter green color than Tifway and Celebration. Tiftuf has an earlier green up similar to Tifsport and retains color and sod quality longer in stressed environments. Tiftuf has a faster growth rate compared to Tifway and Tifsport but cover more slowly than Celebration. Color retention during fall dormancy for Tiftuf is usually greater than Tifway and Tifsport. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
TIFWAY was released by the Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station. Tifway (Tifton 419) Bermuda is a hybrid between common Bermuda and African Bermuda. It is an aggressive, disease resistant, dark-green Bermuda particularly suited for golf tees, fairways, lawns and similar uses. Variety Producers
TN09-008 was released by Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station. It is a determinate, conventional soybean with a 5.3 maturity. It has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod walls, and a black hilum. The plant has shown good resistance to lodging. It is resistant to soybean cyst nematode (races 2, 3, and 5) and stem canker. Variety Producers
TN15-5007 was released by Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station. It is a determinate, conventional soybean with a 4.7 maturity. It has white flowers, gray pubescence, and tan pod walls. The plant has shown good resistance to lodging. It is resistant to stem canker. Variety Producers
TRICAL GAINER 154 BRAND (var. 946802617) was released by Northern Agri-Brands LLC. It is a hexaploid winter-type triticale developed for its winter-hardiness, high vegetative forage yield, high boot stage silage yield, and early maturity. It is green at booting, with leaves that are glossy and semi-upright. Flag leaf is recurved, not twisted, and waxy. It has tan awns and matures early. Spikes are mid-dense and brown to very light brown at maturity. Glumes are glabrous, mid-long, and mid-wide. It has been noted that during seed multiplication that taller variants (approximately 20-25 cm taller), can be found at a frequency of up to 0.1%. US PROTECTED VARIETY Variety Producers
TRICAL SURGE (VAR. 641512175) was released by Northern Agri-Brands LLC. It is an awnless facultative triticale that was selected for its awnless character, and respectable late boot stage silage yield. Surge also possesses excellent pre-dough forage quality. Surge is a hexaploid winter-type triticale that is tall in height with a late maturity. It is green at booting, with leaves that are glossy and semi-upright. Flag leaf is erect and twisted. Spikes are dense and fusiform at maturity. Glumes are glabrous, yellow in color, mid-long length, and narrow. Surge has been tested and found to be adaptive to Pacific Northwest region of the US including Washington and Idaho as well as adaptive to Wisconsin. US PROTECTED VARIETY Variety Producers
TUFRUNNER 297 was released by University of Florida. is an extra-large seeded runner with high-oleic oil chemistry. It has a semi-prostrate growth habit with a tall and prominent center stem. TUFRunner 297 testa are tan in color and the seed are slightly larger than those of ‘Georgia-06G’ (83.7 bs. 76.7 g/100 seed). This variety was released for its pod yield potential, grading potential, disease resistance, and high-oleic oil chemistry suited to farmers and manufacturers of peanut foods. TUFRunner 297 has shown good resistance to white mold and TSWV, but is susceptible to leaf spot. Yield and grade have been excellent. US PROTECTED VARIETY and seed can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
USG 3118 was released by UniSouth Genetics, Inc. It is an early maturity wheat with short height, tip-awned head, and excellent test weight. This variety has excellent winter hardiness, excellent standability and tillering. USG 3118 is widely adaptable. It has excellent resistance to Hessian fly, leaf rust, powdery mildew, stripe rust and leaf blotch. It has good resistance to stem rust, and glume blotch. US PROTECTED VARIETY. Variety Producers
USG 3234 var. 15-2639 is an early maturing, awnless, medium height soft red winter wheat. USG 3234 has excellent test weight, winter hardiness, and standability. It has good resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus, stripe rust, leaf rust, blume blotch and scab. Variety Producers
USG 3352 / 6PGNQ068 was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a medium-early maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an awned, medium-tall height plant with a semi-erect juvenile growth and an erect, twisted flag leaf at boot stage that has max present. Head shape is tapering and mid-dense. It has good resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, glume blotch, and septoria leaf blotch. It has excellent test weights, winter hardiness and standability. This variety is widely adapted in the wheat growing region. US Plant Patent and US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR Variety Producers
USG 3451 / L11919 was released by UniSouth Genetics, Inc. It is a medium early maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an awnless, medium height plant with excellent resistance to stripe rust and to powdery mildew. It has shown good resistance to leaf rust. It has excellent winter hardiness and field tillering with good standability. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 3472 (var. 16162712) was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a medium maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an awned, medium height plant with excellent winter hardiness, standability, tillering and seeds per lb. It has good resistances to scab, powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, glume blotch, soil-borne mosaic virus, barley yellow dwarf virus, and septoria leaf blotch. It has excellent test weights, winter hardiness and standability. This variety is widely adapted in the wheat growing region. US Plant Patent Variety Producers
USG 3536 / WJ102014 was released by UniSouth Genetics, Inc. It is a medium early maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an awned, medium tall plant with great resistance to stripe rust, and scab. It also has good resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust, glume blotch, soil-borne mosaic virus, Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, and Hessian fly bio type L. It has excellent test weights, winter hardiness and standability. This variety is widely adapted in the wheat growing region. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 3661 (var. SR1421) was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a medium maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an apically awnletted, medium short plant with an erect juvenile growth habit. Plant color at boot is green and the flag leaf at boot is erect, twisted, and is present. Head shape is tapering and mid-dense. Glumes are long and white in color with the shoulder being oblique. It has excellent resistance to leaf rust and powdery mildew. It also has good resistance to stripe rust, glume blotch, and Fusarium Head Blight (scab). It has excellent test weights, winter hardiness and standability. This variety specializes on the east coast wheat growing region but is adapted to the mid-south as well. The variety shows excellent stress tolerance. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR Variety Producers
USG 3783 / 6PTAR09B is a soft red winter wheat with an average plant height of 89 cm. The head is awned, mid-dense, tapering, and inclined. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect. Plant color at boot stage is green and flag leaf is erect and twisted, with wax present. Glume color is tan, shoulders are rounded, and length is medium. Variety Producers
USG 5618V/V10-0262 is a medium height determinate soybean with 5.6 maturity, released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a Conventional soybean. It has white flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod wall and a black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to Stem Canker, Frogeye Leaf Spot, and Sudden Death Syndrome. It is moderately resistant to Cercospora Leaf Blight and Septoria Brown Spot. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7461XFS brand / 01077335 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a 4.6 maturity bean with light tawny pubescence, purple flowers, black hilum, and brown pod. It has a semi-bushy growth habit and has a tall plant height. It has good standability. It has great resistance to stem canker, soybean cyst nematode, and okay resistance to sudden death and Phytophthora root rot. Variety Producers
USG 7463XFS brand / 21799932 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a 4.6 maturity bean, with gray pubescence, purple flowers, buff hilum and a brown pod. It has a semi bushy growth type and medium plant height. It has good resistance to Phytophthora root rot, stem canker and sudden death. It has a medium standability of 4. Variety Producers
USG 7485ETS was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a tall, indeterminate soybean with a 4.8 maturity. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with gray pubescence, tan pod wall, and buff hilum. Flower color is white. It is resistant to frogeye leaf spot, stem canker, and Phytophthora root rot. This variety excels on medium to coarse texture soils. Variety Producers
USG 7487XTS (Group 4.8) was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a tall height indeterminate soybean with 4.8 maturity. It is Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean with Dicamba, glyphosate, and STS herbicide tolerant. It has purple flowers, gray pubescence, tan pod wall and an imperfect black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to Stem Canker. It is moderately resistant to Frogeye Leaf Spot, Phytophthora, and Sudden Death. It has excellent resistance to shattering and excellent emergence. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7493ETS brand / 22152391 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium tall, indeterminate soybean with a maturity rating of 4.9 released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with a gray pubescence, white flower, buff hilum, tan pod and semi-bushy growth type. It has great resistance to stem canker, good resistance to sudden death, Phytophthora root rot, and frogeye. It has a standability of 4. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7514ET/10540814 is a medium-tall height, indeterminate soybean with 5.1 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with 2,4-D choline and glyphosate herbicide tolerance, as well as additional glufosinate resistance. It has white flowers, gray pubescence, brown pod walls, and a buff hilum. Growth type is bushy. It has excellent resistance to stem canker, and good resistance to frog-eye leaf spot, Phytophthora root rot, soybean cyst nematode, and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7534GT was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a determinate soybean with a 5.0 maturity. It has purple flowers and gray pubescence. Average plant height is 37 inches and seed size is 16 g /100 seeds. It is resistant to stem canker, moderately resistant to SCN race 3, and moderately susceptible to SCN races 2 and 5. Variety Producers
USG 7542ET brand / GDM54E135 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium-tall height, indeterminate soybean with 5.4 maturity rating released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with gray pubescence, purple flower, buff hilum, tan pod, and a narrow growth type. It has great resistance to stem canker and frogeye leaf spot. It has good resistance to soybean cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome. It has a great standability rating. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7543XF brand/ 21800737 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, indeterminate soybean with 5.4 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has purple flowers, gray pubescence, brown pod walls, and an imperfect black hilum. It has great resistance to stem canker, frog-eye leaf spot, Phytophthora root rot, and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7682XF brand was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, determinate soybean with 6.8 maturity, released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Ready 2 Xtendflex® soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod wall and a black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to stem canker and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
VA 119 is an open-pollinated flue-cured tobacco variety. Medium height, averaging 18 harvestable leaves, 71 days to flower, and medium leaf ripening/maturing. Variety Producers
VERMILLION was released by Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station. It is a red-purple skinned, orange flesh sweetpotato. Roots are elliptical to ovoid. A typical inflorescence of ‘Vermillion’ has one cluster of three to five flowers per peduncle. Individual flowers are about 3 cm long from the base of the calyx, and the corolla is 3 cm wide at the opening. Vermillion yields are equal to 'Orleans' for U.S. #1 grade. It is susceptible to southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita). It is resistant to Fusarium wilt, and slightly more resistant than 'Orleans' for soil rot caused by Streptomyces ipomoeae. ‘Vermillion’ has harvestable roots ?120 days after planting.US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
VT BEAHM is a six-row, medium-tall, moderately early heading winter awnless hulled barley having good forage yield potential with high to moderate resistance to leaf rust, net blotch, and Fusarium head blight and low Deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation. The juvenile growth of VT Beahm is erect, flag leaves are upright and waxy at the booting stage, leaf sheaths and stems are glabrous, and anthocyanin is absent in leaves or stems. The stems have four nodes, closed collars, “straight” peduncles and an exertion of 10 to 15 cm above the base of the flag leaf blade. The six-rowed spikes of VT Beahm are erect, dense, strap, and slightly waxy with no overlapping lateral kernels. The rachis is covered with short hairs. Glume is half of the lemma, with short hairs, and their awns are rough and more than or equal to length of glumes. The lemma awn surfaces are rough and awnless, but in some environments, awnletted on central rows, awnless on lateral rows. The basal marking of the lemma is a slight crease. The rachilla hairs are long. Kernel are covered, short to mid-long with a colorless aleurone with hair absent on the ventral furrow. VT Beahm has winter growth habit; it requires vernalization and has sufficient low temperature tolerance for production in the areas tested. Average plant height of VT Beahm (99 cm) in Virginia is significantly taller than those of cultivars (Nomini, Secretariat, Thoroughbred, and Flavia). Variety Producers
VT PITMAN var. 15VDH-FHB-MAS25-15 is a high-yielding, early, short semi-dwarf (Rht2) SRW wheat primarily adapted to the mid-Atlantic region with high test weight and moderate milling and baking quality. VT-Pitman expresses high levels of resistance to Fusarium head blight, leaf rust, and Barley yellow dwarf virus, as well as moderately high resistance to powdery mildew. VT Pitman showed higher than average susceptibility to stripe rust. It has tapered, awned blue-green heads, an erect twisted waxy green flag leaf, yellow anthers, yellow straw, and white chaff. Mean head emergence of VT Pitman in Virginia is on average similar to ‘SY Viper’, and one day earlier than Hilliard, three days earlier than ‘Shirley’ (PI 656753), and one day later than VA17W-75 (EPIX 1375). Mean plant height is shorter at 34 inches, similar to that of ‘Shirley’, 3 inches shorter than ‘Hilliard’, and 4 inches taller than ‘Laverne’. Straw strength is average. Variety Producers
WHITE BONITA was released by Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station. is a sport selection from the variety ‘Bonita’. Variety performance and morphology is similar to ‘Bonita’ except that White Bonita has white to slightly creamy flesh. The root skin color is white. Growth habit is prostrate with a canopy appearance that is greater than Beauregard and slightly more upright. Leaf color is light green at immature stage and dark green at full maturity. Plant maturity is 110-115 days. Plant Protection applied for, sub-license required to produce in NC, acreage fees apply. Variety Producers
ZEON is a variety of Zoysia matrella. It has a deep green color and is a very lush variety of zoysiagrass. It has a fine texture and is compatible with a wide range of soil conditions. It can handle full sun or light to medium shade. It has good drought tolerance and very few insect or disease problems. US PLANT PATENT. Must be sold as a Certified Class of Sod. Variety Producers
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