CL2047290 / USG 7633XF brand was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, determinate soybean with 6.3 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Read 2 XtendFlex soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has white flowers, light tawny pubescence, brown pod walls, and a black hilum. It is rated to have good resistance to frog-eye leaf spot, stem canker, Phytophthora root rot, and soybean cyst nematode. It has moderate resistance to sudden death syndrome.US PLANT PATENT
USG 7461XFS brand / 01077335 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a 4.6 maturity bean with light tawny pubescence, purple flowers, black hilum, and brown pod. It has a semi-bushy growth habit and has a tall plant height. It has good standability. It has great resistance to stem canker, soybean cyst nematode, and okay resistance to sudden death and Phytophthora root rot.
USG 7463XFS brand / 21799932 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a 4.6 maturity bean, with gray pubescence, purple flowers, buff hilum and a brown pod. It has a semi bushy growth type and medium plant height. It has good resistance to Phytophthora root rot, stem canker and sudden death. It has a medium standability of 4.
USG 7487XTS (Group 4.8) was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a tall height indeterminate soybean with 4.8 maturity. It is Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean with Dicamba, glyphosate, and STS herbicide tolerant. It has purple flowers, gray pubescence, tan pod wall and an imperfect black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to Stem Canker. It is moderately resistant to Frogeye Leaf Spot, Phytophthora, and Sudden Death. It has excellent resistance to shattering and excellent emergence. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7493ETS brand / 22152391 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium tall, indeterminate soybean with a maturity rating of 4.9 released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with a gray pubescence, white flower, buff hilum, tan pod and semi-bushy growth type. It has great resistance to stem canker, good resistance to sudden death, Phytophthora root rot, and frogeye. It has a standability of 4. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7514ET/10540814 is a medium-tall height, indeterminate soybean with 5.1 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with 2,4-D choline and glyphosate herbicide tolerance, as well as additional glufosinate resistance. It has white flowers, gray pubescence, brown pod walls, and a buff hilum. Growth type is bushy. It has excellent resistance to stem canker, and good resistance to frog-eye leaf spot, Phytophthora root rot, soybean cyst nematode, and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7542ET brand / GDM54E135 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium-tall height, indeterminate soybean with 5.4 maturity rating released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with gray pubescence, purple flower, buff hilum, tan pod, and a narrow growth type. It has great resistance to stem canker and frogeye leaf spot. It has good resistance to soybean cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome. It has a great standability rating. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7543XF brand/ 21800737 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, indeterminate soybean with 5.4 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has purple flowers, gray pubescence, brown pod walls, and an imperfect black hilum. It has great resistance to stem canker, frog-eye leaf spot, Phytophthora root rot, and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7553nRS - Group V was released by Unisouth Genetics, Inc. It is Roundup-Ready® and Synchrony® Tolerant. It has white flowers, gray pubescence, brown pod walls, and buff hila. It is rated moderately resistant to soybean cyst nematode (races 3 and 14).
USG 7562XF is a 5.6 maturity bean, with tawny pubescence, white flowers, black hilum and a brown pod. It has a semi-bushy growth type and a medium plant height. It has good resistance to stem canker, soybean cyst nematode, and sudden death syndrome and frogeye leafspot. It has excellent standability.
USG 7571XT brand was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium-tall height indeterminate soybean with 5.7 maturity. It is Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean with dicamba and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has white flowers, tawny pubescence, brown pod wall and a black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to stem canker and root knot nematode. It shows good resistance to sudden death syndrome. It is an excellent salt excluder and holds up great against soybean cyst nematode. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7584XF is 5.8 maturity, indeterminate XtendFlex soybean released by UniSouth Genetics. It has gray pubescence, white flowers, buff hilum, and tan pods. Plant height is medium. It has excellent resistance to stem canker and sudden death syndrome, and good resistance to frogeye leaf spot and Phytophthora root rot. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7682XF brand was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, determinate soybean with 6.8 maturity, released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Ready 2 Xtendflex® soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod wall and a black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to stem canker and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT