Soybean Varieties

CHERAW (exp. SC06-676) was released by SC Agricultural Experiment Station. It is a group VIII, determinate soybean. It is glyphosate and nematode-resistant. Plants have white flowers, tawny pubescence, good lodging resistance, and tan pod walls. Seeds are yellow with variable gray hila and average 14.5 g/100 seed compared with 15.3 g/100 seed for ‘N8001’. Seed quality is good and seed protein and oil average 40.0% and 21.0% (D.M. basis), respectively. Cheraw is resistant to Southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne icognita) and soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) Race 3. Cheraw is also resistant to stem canker disease (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora). Variety Producers
CL2047290 / USG 7633XF brand was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, determinate soybean with 6.3 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Read 2 XtendFlex soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has white flowers, light tawny pubescence, brown pod walls, and a black hilum. It is rated to have good resistance to frog-eye leaf spot, stem canker, Phytophthora root rot, and soybean cyst nematode. It has moderate resistance to sudden death syndrome.US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
JAKE is a determinate variety (relative maturity 5.4) that averages 32” in height. It has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pods and black hila seed. Jake has shown resistance to races 1, 2, 3, 5 and 14 of soybean cyst nematode, is resistant to reniform nematode and has shown moderate resistance to Root Knot nematode. It is moderately resistant to Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and stem canker and is susceptible to Phytophthora root rot. Variety Producers
MFL-2P59 (V10-3653) was released by Virginia Tech University. It is a conventional soybean with a determinate growth habit and a relative maturity of 5.8. It has purple flower, tawny pubescence and tan pod walls. It is a large-seeded cultivar, bred for the Asian export market. MFL-2P59 seed size is 24.8 g/100 seeds, slightly larger than MFL-159 (24.1 g/ 100 seeds). Plant height of MFL-2P59 (29 in) is shorter than MFL-159 (32 in), causing less lodging. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR Variety Producers
MFL-688 was released by Virginia Tech University. It is a conventional soybean with a 5.8 relative maturity and a determinate growth habit. It has purple flowers and gray pubescence. Seeds have yellow cotyledons, light buff hila, and a yellow seed coat. The average plant height is 34.1 inches. MFL-688 also has a higher sugar and protein content than V10-3563 making it a preferred food-grade soybean. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR Variety Producers
MFS-885 (V121885 brand) was released by Virginia Tech University. Variety Producers
N7003CN - Group 7.6 is a conventional soybean released by NC State University. It is a determinate plant that has a tawny pubescence, purple flower, and a black hilum. US PROTECTED VARIETY Variety Producers
NC DUNPHY was released by NC State University. It is a conventional soybean. It is a determinate plant with an early group 6 maturity. It has a gray pubescence, purple flower, imperfect black hilum, and a tan pod wall. It has a shorter plant height with greater lodging resistance. NC Dunphy has an increased yield potential compared to other non-GMO group 6 soybeans and has shown resistant to stem canker. NC Dunphy is also a high oil type cultivar, having higher seed oil and lower seed proteins. It is well adapted in areas where group 7 soybeans are typically grown. No Registered class allowed. Variety Producers
NC MILLER - Group V - (in our nursery it is the same as Hutcheson in maturity) with purple flowers and grey pubescence. Height is 29 inches (plus or minus an inch depending on where and when it is grown). Buff hilum. US PROTECTED VARIETY. Variety Producers
NC RALEIGH - Group VII was released by USDA ARS and NCARS in 2002. It has white flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod walls, and black hila. It has good resistance to leaf diseases. Seed size is small. Variety Producers
NC-ROY - Group VI was released by North Carolina Agricultural Research Service and USDA-ARS. has white flowers, gray pubescence, and brown pod walls. Seed are small with buff hilum. It has resistance to soybean mosaic virus. US PROTECTED VARIETY and can be sold only as a Class of Certified Seed. Variety Producers
TN09-008 was released by Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station. It is a determinate, conventional soybean with a 5.3 maturity. It has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod walls, and a black hilum. The plant has shown good resistance to lodging. It is resistant to soybean cyst nematode (races 2, 3, and 5) and stem canker. Variety Producers
TN15-5007 was released by Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station. It is a determinate, conventional soybean with a 4.7 maturity. It has white flowers, gray pubescence, and tan pod walls. The plant has shown good resistance to lodging. It is resistant to stem canker. Variety Producers
USG 5618V/V10-0262 is a medium height determinate soybean with 5.6 maturity, released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a Conventional soybean. It has white flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod wall and a black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to Stem Canker, Frogeye Leaf Spot, and Sudden Death Syndrome. It is moderately resistant to Cercospora Leaf Blight and Septoria Brown Spot. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7461XFS brand / 01077335 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a 4.6 maturity bean with light tawny pubescence, purple flowers, black hilum, and brown pod. It has a semi-bushy growth habit and has a tall plant height. It has good standability. It has great resistance to stem canker, soybean cyst nematode, and okay resistance to sudden death and Phytophthora root rot. Variety Producers
USG 7463XFS brand / 21799932 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a 4.6 maturity bean, with gray pubescence, purple flowers, buff hilum and a brown pod. It has a semi bushy growth type and medium plant height. It has good resistance to Phytophthora root rot, stem canker and sudden death. It has a medium standability of 4. Variety Producers
USG 7485ETS was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a tall, indeterminate soybean with a 4.8 maturity. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with gray pubescence, tan pod wall, and buff hilum. Flower color is white. It is resistant to frogeye leaf spot, stem canker, and Phytophthora root rot. This variety excels on medium to coarse texture soils. Variety Producers
USG 7487XTS (Group 4.8) was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a tall height indeterminate soybean with 4.8 maturity. It is Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean with Dicamba, glyphosate, and STS herbicide tolerant. It has purple flowers, gray pubescence, tan pod wall and an imperfect black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to Stem Canker. It is moderately resistant to Frogeye Leaf Spot, Phytophthora, and Sudden Death. It has excellent resistance to shattering and excellent emergence. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7493ETS brand / 22152391 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium tall, indeterminate soybean with a maturity rating of 4.9 released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with a gray pubescence, white flower, buff hilum, tan pod and semi-bushy growth type. It has great resistance to stem canker, good resistance to sudden death, Phytophthora root rot, and frogeye. It has a standability of 4. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7514ET/10540814 is a medium-tall height, indeterminate soybean with 5.1 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with 2,4-D choline and glyphosate herbicide tolerance, as well as additional glufosinate resistance. It has white flowers, gray pubescence, brown pod walls, and a buff hilum. Growth type is bushy. It has excellent resistance to stem canker, and good resistance to frog-eye leaf spot, Phytophthora root rot, soybean cyst nematode, and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7534GT was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a determinate soybean with a 5.0 maturity. It has purple flowers and gray pubescence. Average plant height is 37 inches and seed size is 16 g /100 seeds. It is resistant to stem canker, moderately resistant to SCN race 3, and moderately susceptible to SCN races 2 and 5. Variety Producers
USG 7542ET brand / GDM54E135 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium-tall height, indeterminate soybean with 5.4 maturity rating released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with gray pubescence, purple flower, buff hilum, tan pod, and a narrow growth type. It has great resistance to stem canker and frogeye leaf spot. It has good resistance to soybean cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome. It has a great standability rating. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7543XF brand/ 21800737 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, indeterminate soybean with 5.4 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has purple flowers, gray pubescence, brown pod walls, and an imperfect black hilum. It has great resistance to stem canker, frog-eye leaf spot, Phytophthora root rot, and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
USG 7682XF brand was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, determinate soybean with 6.8 maturity, released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Ready 2 Xtendflex® soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod wall and a black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to stem canker and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT Variety Producers
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