GP 543 17NSVZ310543 was released by Grow Pro Genetics. It is a medium tall, medium early soft winter wheat variety. GP 543 has a semi-erect juvenile growth habit, a blue-green leaf color at boot. Flag leaf at boot is erect, twisted and waxed, with a yellow anther color. It is apically awnletted, short beak length, medium shoulder width and red seed color. It has moderate levels of native resistance to Fusarium Head Blight and Barley Yellow Dwarf, good levels of resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, and powdery mildew. Moderately susceptible to Septoria leaf blotch. US PATENT PROTECTED VARIETY.
AP 1987 (var. 16162712) was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a medium maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an awned, medium height plant with excellent winter hardiness, standability, tillering and seeds per lb. It has good resistance to scab, powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, glume blotch, soil-borne mosaic virus, barley yellow dwarf virus, and septoria leaf blotch. It has excellent test weight, winter hardiness and standability. This variety is widely adapted in the wheat growing region. US Plant Patent
AP 1995 (var.16162742) is a medium height and maturity, soft red winter wheat. Juvenile plant growth is semi erect; plant color at boot is green; flag leaf at boot is erect. It has an awned head with a lax head density, and has a strap head with an erect head curvature. Glume length is medium with white glumes. It has high adaptability for the Mid-Atlantic region. AP 1995 has great resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, Septoria leaf blotch Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, and powdery mildew. It has a low lodging risk and excellent test weight.
AP 2000 / DE2201263 is a soft red winter wheat. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect and plant color at boot stage is green to blue-green. Flag leaf is recurved and not twisted with wax present. Plant height is 89 cm. The head is awned, mid-dense, strap, and erect to inclined. Glumes are white with oblique shoulders, narrow width, and have a short beak.
CG WINDBREAK/TN 902 was released by the University of TN to the control of Tennessee Advanced Genetics to maintain and licensee to various seed companies in 2011. It is a soft red winter wheat with a medium height, medium heading date, and apically awnletted variety with good test weights. Juvenile plant growth is erect at the boot stage and green in color. Flag leaves are erect and twisted. Anther color is yellow and the head shape is strap, dense, and recurved. TN 902 is moderately resistant/susceptible to leaf rust, stem rust, and to soil-borne mosaic virus. TN 902 is susceptible to powdery mildew, head scab, and stripe rust. TN 902 has excellent emergence, standability, and winter hardiness.
CL2047290 / USG 7633XF brand was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, determinate soybean with 6.3 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Read 2 XtendFlex soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has white flowers, light tawny pubescence, brown pod walls, and a black hilum. It is rated to have good resistance to frog-eye leaf spot, stem canker, Phytophthora root rot, and soybean cyst nematode. It has moderate resistance to sudden death syndrome.US PLANT PATENT
CP 8045 is a medium height, medium maturing soft red winter wheat. It has an awned head that is mid-dense, tapering, and inclined. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect. Plant color at boot stage is green and flag leaf is erect and twisted, with wax present. It has strong resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, powdery mildew, Stagnospora glume blotch, and Fusarium head blight.
GP 543 17NSVZ310543 was released by Grow Pro Genetics. is a medium tall, medium early soft winter wheat variety, developed by Grow Pro genetics. GP 543 has a semi-erect juvenile growth habit, a blue-green leaf color at boot. Flag leaf at boot is erect, twisted and waxed, with a yellow anther color. It is apically awnletted, short beak length, medium shoulder width and red seed color. It has moderate levels of native resistance to Fusarium Head Blight and Barley Yellow Dwarf, good levels of resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, and powdery mildew. Moderately susceptible to Septoria leaf blotch.US PATENT PROTECTED VARIETY.
MOMENTUM 106 It is a broadly adapted, white-chaffed, awnless variety with early maturity and moderately short height with good standabililty. Its Fusarium head blight (scab) resistance level is good and the DON (deoxynivalenol) content is low. Momentum 106 has an intermediate reaction to Septoria Triticci blotch and Septoria glume blotch as well as to black chaff or bacterial leaf streak, is susceptible to yellow rust and leaf rust and is moderately tolerant of acid soils.
SH 3224 (6PHLQ96B) is a soft red winter wheat. It has a tapering, awned head at maturity. Erect juvenile plant growth, medium glume length. It has an ovate to oval seed shape, and seed color is red. Acuminate seed beak at maturity. It has intermediate resistance to scab and leaf rust. US PATENT PROTECTED.
SH 4222 It is a soft red winter wheat. It has an awned head. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect. Plant color at boot stage is green with an erect, twisted, wax absent flag leaf. Head is mid-dense, tapering, and inclined. Glumes are tan and short with oblique shoulders. Plant height is 90 cm.
SH 5123 is a soft-red winter wheat. Juvenile plant growth habit is upright and plant color at boot is green. Flag leaf at boot stage is erect, twisted. It has an awnletted head with dense head density and has a strap head shape with straight head curvature. Glume color is white. Plant height is 91 cm.
SH 7222 (13VTK429-3) was released by Virginia Tech small grains breeding program. It is a broadly adapted, high yielding, full-season, awned soft red winter wheat. It has moderate to high resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, leaf blotch, leaf and glume blotch, and Fusarium Head Blight. PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR.
SH 9520 (var.16121717) is a medium height, medium-late maturing, awned soft red winter wheat with excellent resistance to Fusarium Head Blight (scab). SH 9520 has a semi-erect juvenile plant growth, green plant color at boot stage, and the flag leaf is erect, twisted with wax present at boot stage. Heads are mid-dense, tapering in shape, and with an inclined curvature. Anthers are purple and glumes are white in color. SH 9520 is adapted to the mid-Atlantic wheat region and has high yield potential and test weight. SH 9520 is licensed to Meherrin Agricultural and Chemical Co.
TN09-008 was released by Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station. It is a determinate, conventional soybean with a 5.3 maturity. It has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod walls, and a black hilum. The plant has shown good resistance to lodging. It is resistant to soybean cyst nematode (races 2, 3, and 5) and stem canker.
TN15-5007 was released by Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station. It is a determinate, conventional soybean with a 4.7 maturity. It has white flowers, gray pubescence, and tan pod walls. The plant has shown good resistance to lodging. It is resistant to stem canker.
USG 3234 var. 15-2639 is an early maturing, awnless, medium height soft red winter wheat. USG 3234 has excellent test weight, winter hardiness, and standability. It has good resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus, stripe rust, leaf rust, blume blotch and scab.
USG 3352 / 6PGNQ068 was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a medium-early maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an awned, medium-tall height plant with a semi-erect juvenile growth and an erect, twisted flag leaf at boot stage that has max present. Head shape is tapering and mid-dense. It has good resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, glume blotch, and septoria leaf blotch. It has excellent test weights, winter hardiness and standability. This variety is widely adapted in the wheat growing region. US Plant Patent and US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR
USG 3451 / L11919 was released by UniSouth Genetics, Inc. It is a medium early maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an awnless, medium height plant with excellent resistance to stripe rust and to powdery mildew. It has shown good resistance to leaf rust. It has excellent winter hardiness and field tillering with good standability. US PLANT PATENT
USG 3472 (var. 16162712) was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a medium maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an awned, medium height plant with excellent winter hardiness, standability, tillering and seeds per lb. It has good resistances to scab, powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust, glume blotch, soil-borne mosaic virus, barley yellow dwarf virus, and septoria leaf blotch. It has excellent test weights, winter hardiness and standability. This variety is widely adapted in the wheat growing region. US Plant Patent
USG 3536 / WJ102014 was released by UniSouth Genetics, Inc. It is a medium early maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an awned, medium tall plant with great resistance to stripe rust, and scab. It also has good resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust, glume blotch, soil-borne mosaic virus, Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, and Hessian fly bio type L. It has excellent test weights, winter hardiness and standability. This variety is widely adapted in the wheat growing region. US PLANT PATENT
USG 3661 (var. SR1421) was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a medium maturity soft red winter wheat. It is an apically awnletted, medium short plant with an erect juvenile growth habit. Plant color at boot is green and the flag leaf at boot is erect, twisted, and is present. Head shape is tapering and mid-dense. Glumes are long and white in color with the shoulder being oblique. It has excellent resistance to leaf rust and powdery mildew. It also has good resistance to stripe rust, glume blotch, and Fusarium Head Blight (scab). It has excellent test weights, winter hardiness and standability. This variety specializes on the east coast wheat growing region but is adapted to the mid-south as well. The variety shows excellent stress tolerance. US VARIETY PROTECTION APPLIED FOR
USG 3783 / 6PTAR09B is a soft red winter wheat with an average plant height of 89 cm. The head is awned, mid-dense, tapering, and inclined. Juvenile plant growth is semi-erect. Plant color at boot stage is green and flag leaf is erect and twisted, with wax present. Glume color is tan, shoulders are rounded, and length is medium.
USG 7461XFS brand / 01077335 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a 4.6 maturity bean with light tawny pubescence, purple flowers, black hilum, and brown pod. It has a semi-bushy growth habit and has a tall plant height. It has good standability. It has great resistance to stem canker, soybean cyst nematode, and okay resistance to sudden death and Phytophthora root rot.
USG 7463XFS brand / 21799932 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a 4.6 maturity bean, with gray pubescence, purple flowers, buff hilum and a brown pod. It has a semi bushy growth type and medium plant height. It has good resistance to Phytophthora root rot, stem canker and sudden death. It has a medium standability of 4.
USG 7485ETS was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a tall, indeterminate soybean with a 4.8 maturity. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with gray pubescence, tan pod wall, and buff hilum. Flower color is white. It is resistant to frogeye leaf spot, stem canker, and Phytophthora root rot. This variety excels on medium to coarse texture soils.
USG 7487XTS (Group 4.8) was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a tall height indeterminate soybean with 4.8 maturity. It is Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean with Dicamba, glyphosate, and STS herbicide tolerant. It has purple flowers, gray pubescence, tan pod wall and an imperfect black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to Stem Canker. It is moderately resistant to Frogeye Leaf Spot, Phytophthora, and Sudden Death. It has excellent resistance to shattering and excellent emergence. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7493ETS brand / 22152391 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium tall, indeterminate soybean with a maturity rating of 4.9 released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with a gray pubescence, white flower, buff hilum, tan pod and semi-bushy growth type. It has great resistance to stem canker, good resistance to sudden death, Phytophthora root rot, and frogeye. It has a standability of 4. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7514ET/10540814 is a medium-tall height, indeterminate soybean with 5.1 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with 2,4-D choline and glyphosate herbicide tolerance, as well as additional glufosinate resistance. It has white flowers, gray pubescence, brown pod walls, and a buff hilum. Growth type is bushy. It has excellent resistance to stem canker, and good resistance to frog-eye leaf spot, Phytophthora root rot, soybean cyst nematode, and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7534GT was released by UniSouth Genetics. It is a determinate soybean with a 5.0 maturity. It has purple flowers and gray pubescence. Average plant height is 37 inches and seed size is 16 g /100 seeds. It is resistant to stem canker, moderately resistant to SCN race 3, and moderately susceptible to SCN races 2 and 5.
USG 7542ET brand / GDM54E135 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium-tall height, indeterminate soybean with 5.4 maturity rating released by UniSouth Genetics. It is an Enlist E3 soybean with gray pubescence, purple flower, buff hilum, tan pod, and a narrow growth type. It has great resistance to stem canker and frogeye leaf spot. It has good resistance to soybean cyst nematode and sudden death syndrome. It has a great standability rating. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7543XF brand/ 21800737 was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, indeterminate soybean with 5.4 maturity released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Ready 2 XtendFlex soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has purple flowers, gray pubescence, brown pod walls, and an imperfect black hilum. It has great resistance to stem canker, frog-eye leaf spot, Phytophthora root rot, and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT
USG 7682XF brand was released by UniSouth Genetics. is a medium height, determinate soybean with 6.8 maturity, released by UniSouth Genetics. It is Roundup Ready 2 Xtendflex® soybean with dicamba, glufosinate, and glyphosate herbicide tolerance. It has purple flowers, tawny pubescence, tan pod wall and a black hilum. It is rated to have excellent resistance to stem canker and sudden death syndrome. US PLANT PATENT